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HomeLatest NewsMarlaska proposes to reduce the permitted blood alcohol level for all drivers...

Marlaska proposes to reduce the permitted blood alcohol level for all drivers from 0.5 to 0.2

Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska chose on Thursday to initiate parliamentary procedures to lower the blood alcohol limit, knowing that “Spanish society is ready” to accept this change and further reduce road accidents.

The announcement was made during a Europa Forum information breakfast and sources from the Interior Ministry explained that the intention is that, on a proposal from the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), the general rate will be reduced to 0.2 grams per litre of alcohol in the blood, compared to 0.5 currently.

According to these sources, the change would be made through article 20 of the General Highway Code, which would imply the participation of the different parliamentary forces for it to be approved and for Spain to align with other countries such as Sweden. The reduction measure had already been proposed in June, but for new and professional drivers.

Grande-Marlaska said the Interior Ministry is making this change in response to the request of associations affected by “road violence”, which left 241 dead last summer. “In more than half of the accidents, alcohol or drugs appear to be a determining factor”, he stressed to justify the measure.

This is why he spoke out in favour of “addressing the debate” which includes both the reduction of alcohol levels and voluntary courses to recover licence points.

Grande-Marlaska took stock of the gradual reduction in the number of road deaths since the promotion of the points-based driving licence, with a current level of 36 deaths per million inhabitants, compared to an average of 47 deaths in the European Union. The challenge now, he said, is to equip ourselves with countries like Sweden, Denmark and Germany.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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