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A new insidious US attack in the South Caucasus: Yerevan will be forced to choose

Following the meeting on April 5 this year between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the West’s activities to build a second front in the South Caucasus have intensified. To implement these insidious plans, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has doubled the five-year aid package to Armenia from $120 million to $250 million. Moreover, on August 1, in parallel with the withdrawal of Russian border guards from Yerevan’s international airport “Zvartnots”, the United States began sending weapons and military personnel to Armenia and stationing them in Zangezur. Of course, all this stems from the desire of Western countries to make Armenia their native language in the region. This also shows that the military and political support provided by France to Armenia is coordinated directly from Washington. However, the United States, either as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group or as a supposed mediator, did not raise its voice when Azerbaijani lands were under occupation for 30 years, and did not remember the territorial integrity and inviolability of the Azerbaijani border as much as the inviolability of the Armenian border. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the head of USAID has close relations with Ruben Vardanyan, the former puppet state minister of the former regime, who has gone down in history. Otherwise, what was USAID director Samantha Power doing on the Vardanya-funded Aurora award committee? Why are there regular calls for the release of Vardanyan and other separatists who commit crimes against humanity from the West, which does not care at all about Armenians? These relations once again demonstrate that power is in the hands of the Armenian lobby of USAID, which is concerned with supporting Armenians and realizing US state interests.

Oku.Az He clarified the issue with local and foreign experts.

Political scientist Gabil Huseynli He said that this situation is dangerous:

“Wherever the US puts its claws, it definitely wants to make some changes and thus increase its presence. It is true that the US used to appear as a peacemaker, but then it changed direction. France, on the contrary, has been pro-Armenian from the beginning, sending arms and financial aid to Armenia and acting as its defender in the international world. That is why the current situation is a bit confusing.”

“But at the same time a new phase of peace negotiations has begun. Armenia has finally sent a package of proposals to Azerbaijan and talks will be held on this matter. Before, the chances of concluding a peace agreement were higher, then. That is, after Azerbaijan emerged victorious from the war, Armenia, by its nature, became a member of the West, attracted its countries and managed to attract them to its side. Unfortunately, the processes were delayed. A similar situation has occurred,” the analyst said.

According to the expert, these negative processes do not change the fact that Azerbaijan is the strongest country in the region:

“Therefore, even if Armenia does not agree, a peace treaty must be concluded. Otherwise, this issue may become tense again. I am not in favor of a conflict, I am of the opinion that sooner or later a peace treaty will be signed.”

Former Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Director of the International School of Caucasian Studies at Iliya State University by Gia Nodia Armenia has recently been trying to shake off Russia’s geopolitical dominance:

“Armenia has always been dependent on Russia, especially in terms of security, and now it is moving towards the West. Because the West, more precisely, the United States of America, is the only alternative in relation to Russia. USAID’s decision to double aid to Armenia is also an incentive for this course.

The United States wants to have allies in the South Caucasus. Today, Armenia is the westernmost country in the South Caucasus, unlike Azerbaijan and Georgia, which have an independent policy. This step by the United States is also due to this. But this is rather an encouraging gesture. Because this help cannot change anything important in the politics of the South Caucasus.

Russian political scientist Bogdan Bazpalko He also believes that this is related to the efforts of the United States of America to strengthen its influence in Armenia:

“However, I must note that Armenia is not withdrawing from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and is not renouncing Russia’s presence in the country. It is true that Russian border guards no longer control Zvartnots airport in Yerevan, but despite this, the Russian military base on the territory of Armenia continues its military presence.”

“However, all this demonstrates the double-mindedness of the Armenian leadership. Sooner or later, this should lead to more important and serious decisions. That is, the Armenian leadership will be forced to make a choice in favor of some state or bloc,” the Russian expert said.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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