Monday, September 23, 2024 - 2:41 pm
HomeBreaking News"The Catalan independence movement is broken before the left breaks Spain and...

“The Catalan independence movement is broken before the left breaks Spain and Madrid”

THE President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayusotook advantage of his intervention in the debate on the state of the region, held this Thursday in the Assembly of Madrid, to attack Pedro Sanchez and the independence movement.

In her initial speech, the president of all the people of Madrid assured that the people of Madrid would not pay for the privileges of the independentists and that “the Independent Cataloniathat the left breaks Spain.”

Ayuso reported on his “legacy” as a government during these years of government in Madrid, as well as his new projects that consist of building a large urban park in the area of ​​the buildings demolished due to the 7B in San Fernando de Henares or more tax cuts.

The president had time to respond to the “lies” that Pedro Sánchez told about the Community of Madrid at the beginning of the political course. “I want to tell the left of all Spain that the independence of Catalonia will be broken before the Community of Madrid,” he introduced.

In this sense, he assured that Sánchez behaves like “those who, in tracksuits, evoke Christian Christmas”, clearly referring to Nicolás Maduro.

He also recalled the remarks of the socialist president during the federal commission meeting last Saturday for criticize that the inhabitants of Moncloa“They have decided, with or without Parliament, to circumvent the will of the Spanish people and lead them down a path unknown in these 45 years of democracy.”

“The left wants us, the people of Madrid and the Catalan middle class, to pay for the privileges of the independentists. And we are not going to agree to that.” At the same time, he gave several examples of events that, according to him, should embarrass the “Madrid left.”

When Madridphobia feeds itself to put their hands in the pockets of all the Madrilenians. When the profits of a Madrid family end up in the pockets of the Catalan bourgeoisie. “Won’t that hurt a little?” Ayuso asked.

Ayuso criticized the fact that Sánchez, behind the electoral programs and the regions that represent 70% of Spaniards, governs.

“Beyond the truth. Until Sánchez came to power, politics was a much nobler exercise: agreements were made with like-minded people, the common good was sought, defeats were accepted, even if President Zapatero “It was the precursor to cordon sanitaire and unnatural pacts with extremists,” he added.




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