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Junts presents its reform to Congress so that the theft of a mobile phone is punishable by three years in prison

Junts will present its reform of the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure at the next Congress in an attempt to stop the problem of multiple recidivism. The proposal of those of Carles Puigdemont includes, among other things, the proposal to punish the theft of mobile devices with up to three years in prison. Currently, the Lower House is presenting a reform of the Penal Code in this area, currently in parliamentary procedure, promoted on this occasion by the PP, to toughen the penalty in the event of multiple repeat offences in matters of theft and fraud. This initiative came to fruition last June thanks to the vote in favour of PP, PSOE, Vox, Junts, PNV and UPN.

The Junts parliamentary group, led by its spokesperson, Miriam NoguerasThey will try to put forward their own proposal, in which they will warn against “a social alarm that exists in terms of insecurity”because the system – whether police, administrative or judicial – is not capable of “preventing” waves of petty crime, including theft. “When they are brought to justice, the perpetrators are released and continue to commit crimes with impunity, again and again,” the separatist group underlines in its text. It is also argued that the situation on the streets “continues to gradually deteriorate,” despite the reform carried out in 2022 of the Penal Code with the aim of providing “a solution to the insufficient criminal response to multi-recidivist thefts.”

A big “problem” in Catalonia

The party led by Carles Puigdemont warns that theft crimes have increased 6% in Catalonia and is currently perceived as one of the “bigger” problems. “The work of the police, in many cases, is only effective when a final conviction accompanied by a prison sentence forces criminals to go to prison, a process that can last years or even not take place,” says the text registered by Junts in Congress. . “Citizens perceive it and the data confirm it,” says the initiative.

What they are proposing is therefore an amendment to the Penal Code, with regard to offences against property and the socio-economic order provided for in the first chapter of title III. Specifically, they propose to amend article 234 so that the sanctions in the event of multiple repeat offences do not depend on the cumulative amount of the offences, which currently stands at 400 euros.

They also call for reforming Article 235, to which they want to add sentences of one to three years in prison for the theft of mobile phones or electronic devices. They also recommend amending Article 22 of the same standard, relating to aggravating circumstances, and Article 66 on the general rules for the application of penalties for minor offences, in order to liable to a fine of one to three months repeat the crimes.

“More resources needed”

On the other hand, the objective of the Junts proposal to the Congress is to promote the “resources needed” that allow this reform to be effective, such as also modifying Annex IV of the Law on Demarcation and Judicial Installation so that the number of judges assigned territorially in Catalonia go from 35 to 70.

Furthermore, Puigdemont’s party wants to modify article 105 of the Code of Criminal Procedure so that local entities have “the ability to initiate criminal proceedings against criminals without prejudice to the action that corresponds to the prosecution.

Finally, they propose to include a specific amendment to the Royal Decree that regulates the administrative archives system to support the administration of justice, with regard to the general information contained in the archives integrated into the system, and with regard to the information contained in the registration of final convictions, as well as in the registration of precautionary measures.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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