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everyone understood the first one

Everyone guessed with the first of the cities the most hostile in EuropeThis is undoubtedly the one we all have in mind. Cities are shaped by the people who live there, more or less proud to belong to a community that could end up being the one that changes everything. Visit these cities in Europe that are becoming authentic gems of gastronomy, art or fashion. We are lucky to live on this old continent full of history.

Europe is one of the regions of the planet that receives the most visitors, the least densely populated if we compare with other continents, so it becomes a pole of attraction that we must know and that this list allows us to know. Without a doubt, the time will come to put on the table a series of elements that perhaps we would never have imagined until now. We live in times of crisis and instability on certain points, but what does not change over the years is the character of these people who live in places that they believe to be the center of everything.

Everyone understood the first one well.

A major hotel chain has drawn up a list of cities the most hostile in Europe. This does not mean that all its inhabitants are hostile, quite the contrary. They simply have a reputation given to them by a few who have not hesitated to bring out this character that they keep within themselves.

To be the first, one of those who could be the one we all have in mind. In this part of Europe, receiving an unexpected response, marked by those changes that you may not have considered until now, will be a reality. It is essential to be prepared to trigger a good response.

In this case we are facing something that can end up being what affects us completely and that will become a real sensation. We will have reached the point where we will be very clear about this list, perhaps to deny it completely, with a series of signs that we have before us.

Note which cities are, according to this list, most likely to encounter people who respond badly to you. You are among those you know best in Europe.

The list of the most hostile cities in Europe

First of all, we need to know how this list was prepared that the Zenit group shares with us. As it explains: “The world’s leading business magazine, CEO World Magazine conducted a survey of 178,500 European adults this autumn and asked them to choose the five least friendly cities in Europe from a list of the 50 largest European cities. This survey does not qualify all the inhabitants of a city, these are the particular perceptions of the respondents. Its value is indicative, due to the opinion of a majority.

When put into context, the top spot on this list could not be taken by any other city. Yes, that’s the one you’re thinking of, Paris, it’s the most hostile city in Europe and as they say: “‘Paris is the city of lights’ or ‘Paris is well worth a mass’, said Henry IV. The capital of France is the second most visited city in the world after London. And even if it seems like a lie, Paris Syndrome Really Exists. Some tourists suffer from this when they arrive in the city and feel disappointed. Many tourists arrive with very high expectations of the city, transmitted by movies, magazines, the Internet… And their expectations are not met. Apart from the attractions of Paris, which are numerous, there are also its inhabitants, and apparently they disappoint with their lack of kindness and empathy towards visitors. Paris tops the list and is considered the rudest by 36% of respondents. Are Parisians fed up with so many tourists?

Maybe you didn’t expect the second city or you expected it, although for many it should be neck and neck with Paris. As they tell us in the same article: “The capital of England is the most visited city in the world, and for many, the most beautiful in Europe. London is a must-see city for any tourist. The English monarchy gives much of its glamour to the capital of the United Kingdom and also a lot of money. London is a very cosmopolitan city, fueled by all the countries that are part of the English crown. But without underestimating all the attractions of this great city, it must be said that Londoners are very their own, very serious and they also have some rather peculiar laws: it is illegal to be within 100 meters of the monarch if you are not wearing socks or to die in the Houses of Parliament. The latter reason is due to the fact that anyone who dies there must have a state funeral. London was voted the second most hostile city in Europe by 18% of respondents.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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