Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 5:16 pm
HomeBreaking NewsForeign Ministry: "It is unacceptable that France ignores Azerbaijan's judicial proceedings"

Foreign Ministry: “It is unacceptable that France ignores Azerbaijan’s judicial proceedings”

The statement by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs on the alleged “discrimination” against French citizen Theo Clerc and the “unfair decision” of the court on him, and the fact that France, which calls itself a “state of law”, disregarded Azerbaijan’s judicial proceedings, is unacceptable. The remarks made by France are unfounded.

Oku.Az reports that this was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.

It was noted that the verdict against the French citizen and other persons who deliberately damaged state property is within the jurisdiction of the court and the French side has no right to challenge this decision.

The French citizen was deprived of liberty under the article of the Azerbaijani Criminal Code for deliberately destroying or damaging property. It should be noted that Theo Clerc was previously punished in France for such acts and was fined.

Overall, according to the findings of the investigation and the court, the French citizen showed particular initiative and activity in committing the crime. Furthermore, during the judicial investigation it was found that his statements did not correspond to the objective circumstances of the case.

Although he had previously been fined a certain amount for the same act, his disingenuous statements before the court about his ignorance of the illegality of acts of this nature in Azerbaijan, as well as his lack of remorse for his act, are the factors that make his punishment more severe than the other two persons.

Everyone knows about France’s violations of international law, neocolonial policy, racism, discrimination, Islamophobia and restriction of human rights, which is claiming judicial power and human rights in Azerbaijan and trying to teach the world a “lesson of democracy”. Therefore, it would be more useful for France to learn from this activity.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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