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Government assures “normality” and demands “responsibility” in the face of the diplomatic rupture that Venezuela threatens

While The Popular Party (PP) celebrates its victory at the Congress of Deputies this Wednesday and warns the regime of Nicolas Maduro to take him to the International Criminal Court thanks to its majority in the European Parliament (EP), after its Lower House proposed “break all relationships” With Spain, the government confirms that it is only a threat, calls for caution, as well as alignment with the position of the European Union (EU).

In fact, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, assured this Thursday morning that “the embassy in Venezuela [en Caracas] works with absolute normality.” His counterpart in the Education portfolio and spokesperson for the Executive, Pilar Alegría, also called for tranquility, stressing that the “interest” of the government “will always be to work to maintain the better relationships with the Venezuelan people.”

Immediately afterwards, criticism was leveled at the opposition. He did so by stressing that while protecting the rights of Venezuelans, “others use their people to attack the Spanish government”Some statements clearly refer to the popular, against whom the PSOE spokesperson in the Congress of Deputies, Patxi López, did not hesitate to attack directly.

Beyond regretting that, in an attempt to attack the Executive, Génova did so against “all the companies that have commercial relations, that have business in Venezuela”, the Basque socialist accused the “Scorched Earth Policy” what Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s people practice, he says. Even the Minister of Science, Diana Morant, accused them of taking advantage of “the anguish of the Venezuelan people.”

Some words that come after the recognition as president of Edmundo González by the Spanish Lower House at the initiative of the people have provoked the anger of Chavismo. In fact, it is about an instance of Congress in government from Spain, which the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, likened to “a declaration of war”.

A comparison that led him to threaten to break off diplomatic relations, governmental and commercial relations with Spain, considering that “This is the most brutal attack by the Kingdom of Spain against Venezuela since independence”A situation that, for Aitor Esteban of the PNV – whose vote in favour of the PP initiative broke the meaning of the vote of the investiture bloc – presents a certain excessive reaction.

The Basque nationalist also shows no surprise at the Venezuelan reaction: “The fact that foam, waves and statements from Maduro were going to arrive is typical of the regime,” Esteban assured this Thursday in Espejo Público. In this sense, and despite his support for the PP, he positively valued “the government’s intermediary position”, while urging caution: “We’ll see what happens.”

At the same time, Vice President María Jesús Montero launched an “appeal to the responsibility of political parties”, because the positions regarding “all diplomatic issues” must be in line with the “European Union script”. In Montero’s eyes, all countries must “unite because, obviously, Spain alone cannot do anything”, said the socialist when interviewed by the media.

A consensus with the international sphere that Sánchez’s people demand, but that his executive has not obtained when it comes to recognize the Palestinian state. A question that Feijóo already reproached him for in his time and that he can now reproach himself for. However, it will be Genoa, through the European People’s Party (EPP), who will present a resolution similar to the one approved in the Congress of Deputies, but in the European Parliament (EP), as confirmed by laSexta.

It should be noted that the second country in the world that invests the most in Venezuela is precisely Spain, so “it is not opportune for the government of Caracas to break relations with these companies,” said xxx. The main ones are Telefónica, BBVA, Repsol and Iberia, whose presence in this Latin American country could be at stake, as could many other business interests. Of course, employers gives priority to ensuring democracy in Venezuela.




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