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HomeBreaking NewsMan who took teenager to hotel arrested: registrar fired

Man who took teenager to hotel arrested: registrar fired

A young man who was in an intimate relationship with a minor was arrested in Baku.

According to information obtained by Qafqazinfo, 25-year-old S. Guliyev was convicted in the Sabail District Court under Article 152.1 of the Criminal Code (having sexual intercourse with a person under the age of sixteen or performing other acts of a sexual nature). He was sentenced to one year in prison by a court verdict of 6 September. During the preliminary and judicial investigation, the young man was kept in the courtroom in handcuffs under police supervision.

During the investigations it was found out that S. Guliyev met 15-year-old Aytac Salimova (not her real name), a resident of Ganja, on one of the social networks. A boy living in Baku once went to Ganja and met a girl who was in the ninth grade there. A few days later, Aytac called S. Guliyev and told him that he was at his grandmother’s house in Baku, that his mother was harassing him at home and that he wanted to run away.

He went to the place where Aytaj was, took him and took him to the area called “Targovy” in the center of the capital. Here he entered one of the hotels with a minor and rented a room.

After that, S. Guliyev and Aytaj went to the beach and the boy left the girl there. The girl, who was left alone, subsequently contacted her sister and told her whereabouts. After returning to her family, she spoke about what S. Guliyev had done to her and filed a complaint with the police.

After the criminal case was opened, the hotel was investigated and camera footage was obtained. The employment contract of the RA registrar was terminated, leaving the minor in an unregistered hotel.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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