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SMEs and self-employed people can apply for aid of up to €9,000 for employment in Zaragoza

The City Council of Zaragoza will launch a new employment support line with a total allocation of 380,000 euros facilitate professional placement and promote the employment of SMEs and self-employed workers.

This new line will be approved tomorrow by the Government of Zaragoza. And, once published in the Provincial Bulletin, businessmen, SMEs and self-employed workers will have until October 10 to request them.

The aid is aimed at entrepreneurs, SMEs and self-employed people who have hired during this year 2024 in order to reduce their costs, promote hiring and job stability, as well as the integration of unemployed people from groups that are difficult to integrate.

Those companies, SMEs and self-employed people with fewer than 250 employees and less than 50 million euros in turnoverwho hire unemployed people and are registered with the Aragonese Employment Service. In addition, they must be registered with the municipality and be able to prove that They belong to one of the groups that are difficult to integrate.

These groups include, for example, beneficiaries of the Aragonese Insertion Income, beneficiaries of the Minimum Living Income, the long-term unemployed, people with disabilities equal to or greater than 33%, or young people between 16 and 29 years of age with few qualifications who have completed training in a second chance school in less than a year. On the other hand, these insertion aids are limited to a maximum of 3 contracts per company or self-employed person and the maximum amount of the subsidy will be 9,000 euros.

Regarding the contractual terms, the call is flexible, although there are minimums such as at least 180 days of contract duration. You can choose if you have hired indefinitely or partiallyalways with at least 50% of the day. In addition, candidates must meet the requirement of having maintained the workforce throughout the duration of the incorporation of the beneficiary worker.

Both individuals and SMEs beneficiaries must be located in the municipality of Zaragoza and carry out their activity in this city, in addition to also having their registered office there.

The line, born from an amendment by Vox, is included in the Economic and Social Development section of the Strategic Plan of Subsidies of the City of Zaragoza 2024-2027.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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