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In court over explosion that killed 10 people: “I want compensation of one million manats”

The trial of Taghi Ibrahimov and Togrul Rzayev, found guilty in connection with the explosion that killed 10 people and injured 23 in the furniture workshops located on the territory of the Open Joint Stock Company “Baku Wood Processing” (ASC) on January 15 this year, in the Binagadi district of Baku.

The report says the indictment was announced at a court session chaired by Baku Serious Crimes Court Judge Elmin Rustamov.

The defendants Taghi Ibrahimov and Togrul Rzayev have pleaded not guilty. Their lawyers appealed to the court and demanded that the victims be questioned first, since their clients have not pleaded guilty.

The court accepted this appeal and decided to question the victims and their legal heirs.

Aydin Rustamov, the father of Adil Rustamov, who died during the incident, filed a civil suit in court. He demanded payment of material and moral damages from the defendants.

“My son was unofficially working on the premises of a person named Sayyar Alasgarov at that plant. But in reality, there were people responsible for fire safety at the plant. I want compensation of one million manats from them,” he said.

A. Rustamov also stated in his statement that he had communicated with the parties on the issue, but was not satisfied with the amount of compensation offered by them.

The next court session is scheduled for October 3.

It should be noted that in the material of the investigation Taghi Ibrahimov, owner of OJSC, and Togrul Rzayev, who carries out administrative and economic management, were responsible for observing fire safety rules, but they recklessly violated them and caused the death of 10 people and the injury of 23 people.

According to the indictment, they caused material damage to property and nature on the territory of OJSC and Taghi Ibrahimov avoided paying a large amount of taxes.

Taghi Ibrahimov was charged with Articles 213.3 (especially evasion of payment of large amounts of taxes) and 225.3 (when violation of these rules by a person who was entrusted with the duty to observe fire safety rules led to the death of two or more people through carelessness) of the Criminal Code, and Togrul Rzayev was charged with Article 225.3 of the same Code and found guilty under the article.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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