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HomeLatest Newsspectacular views at 613 meters above sea level

spectacular views at 613 meters above sea level

Northern Spain has some of the most impressive natural landscapes on the Iberian Peninsula. Its varied orography, added to the unique beaches of the Atlantic Sea coast, icy waters and wild tides, make it an interesting option for nature lovers.

One of the autonomous communities that stands out the most for its unique combination of sea and mountains is Galicia. The northwestern region of Spain stands out for its natural landscapes, full of clean beaches, green trails and steep cliffs.

One of the most special enclaves is located in A Coruña, specifically in the A Capelada mountain range, between the municipalities of Cariño and Cedeira. These are the cliffs of Vixía de Herbeira -commonly known as the Herbeira cliffs-, which stand out for being the natural element of this type with the highest altitude above sea level in all of continental Europe.

In this way, the natural space is also the fourth largest of the entire ancient continent if we also take into account those present on the islands. The enclave, at 613 meters above sea level, is surpassed only by the following cliffs:

  • Hornelen, Norway -at 860 meters above sea level-.
  • Cape Enniberg, in the Faroe Islands (Denmark) -754 meters above sea level-.
  • Croaghaun, Republic of Ireland – 668 metres high.

Route along the cliffs of Vixía de Herbeira

To fully enjoy the cliffs of Vixía de Herbeira, you must first reach the Garita de Herbeira, an old stone construction with a vaulted roof built in the 18th century. However, due to the wear and tear caused by the passage of the years, the current Garita dates back to 1805.

It was during this century that the enclave was rehabilitated as a coastal and maritime surveillance post. Finally, some small restoration and rehabilitation touches were carried out. In this way, the enclave is designated as a Site of Community Importance (SCI), in addition to being included in the Natura 2000 network.

Once parked in front of La Garita, you must continue along the line of cliffs where you can enjoy the views and the coastline. Along this route it is possible to enjoy not only the landscape, but also different animals, such as grazing cows.

During the descent along the cliffs, it will be possible to see the Robaliceira and Limo peaks, the Candieira peak, the Teixidelo beach and the Gabeira e Gabeira de Terra illote. From the latter, it is said that the ship of the Apostle San Andrés arrived at its shores, which was shipwrecked that transformed his boat into stone.

If you continue along the path, it is possible to reach the viewpoint of Cruceiro de Teixidelo, an enclave with unique views and a commemorative plaque of the actor Leslie Howard, famous among other things for his portrayal of Ashley Wilkes in the film “Gone with the Wind”.

Going a little further, it will be possible to reach a black sand beach, Praia de Area Negra de Teixidelo, in Punta de la Mina. A sandy area that stands out for its black sand of non-volcanic origin that was formed thanks to the erosion of stones of this color.

Continuing along the path, it is possible to reach Punta do Furado and Fervenza de Calabanda, where it is possible to see a waterfall that falls 72 meters above sea level. In the surroundings, it is possible to see the last visible remains of the old town founded in the 19th century.

Along the route it is possible to enjoy unique views, although it is advisable not to look too much, as there are complicated areas, in which it is not entirely safe to walk if you are not properly prepared.

How to get to the Vixía de Herbeira cliffs by car

To enjoy the cliffs of Vixía de Herbeira, you must first arrive at La Garita. To do this, you will have to drive from the municipality of Cedeira, in La Coruña. From there, you will have to continue on the road indicated for San Andrés de Teixido and, once you arrive at the intersection with the municipality of Cariño, you will have to take the road in that direction.

Then you will have to continue for 3 kilometers until reaching the Garita de Herbeira viewpoint. From there, the possibilities are multiple, such as starting routes or simply enjoying the view or visiting a specific beach.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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