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“I won’t be surprised when these people are lynched”

The mayor of Badalona, ​​Xavier García Albiol, has published a new xenophobic tweet on the social network El Editile Populaire, even declaring: “The day a group of neighbours gets tired and lynches one of these scoundrels, I won’t be the one surprised.”

Albiol, who began his post with “sorry for the words, but I can’t contain myself,” said that “we can now hire a thousand police officers and put one on every street corner because nothing happens here.” After that, he predicted future lynchings of Moroccan immigrants.

“The day a group of neighbors gets tired and lynches one of these scoundrels, I won’t be the one surprised,” García Albiol says in the message. “What is happening in Spain with these people has no name,” he concludes.

García Albiol, who had moderated his anti-immigration message before the 2023 municipal elections to obtain an absolute majority in the city of Barcelona, ​​​​returned to his most xenophobic profile in August this year with another article about a group of Moroccan migrants on a ferry to Ibiza: “When they arrive in Barcelona, ​​they will be distributed among the surrounding cities, among which I suppose Badalona. What will happen next, most of us certainly already know. It will end up like France sooner rather than later. At the same time.”

For its part, the Popular Party, which had already avoided censoring Albiol’s message in August, has once again shown understanding towards the publication of the mayor of Badalona. Sources from the PP leadership say they understand that there are people “who would not be surprised by decisions that no one wants, that no one desires and that no one shares.”

The Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, responded throughout the afternoon of Thursday to the publication of the mayor of Badalona by announcing that she would “immediately” report to the Observatory the statements of García Albiol, which she described as “dangerous”. Racism and xenophobia. Saiz added that “they no longer only defend violence, they also encourage it.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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