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The triumph of the separatist Diada

He secessionist movement It is broken, but its political postulates are defended by the CFP of the Generality and that’s why he process It is more alive than ever. The Diada was an apparent failure of separatism because the division between separatism old school It’s total. The different delegations that Republican Left He sent floral offerings to the monuments of Rafael de Casanova spread throughout Catalonia, which ended with jeers and insults for having sold to Salvador Illa. Furthermore, in Fossar de les Moreres, a place of concentration of the most radical separatists during the Diada, altercations took place between the ultra-leftists of the CUP and the ultra-rightists of Silvia Orriols. Without the police, it would have been a pitched battle.

The pro-independence demonstration organized by the ANC and other entities such as Òmnium Cultural, which had been massive a few years ago, was a failure. Or rather, several failures, given that five marches were organized throughout Catalonia. The pro-independence supporters only gathered 60,000 people in Barcelona, ​​according to data from the Urban Guard of the proto-secessionist Jaume Collboni. They also played in Girona (6,500 participants), Tarragona (2,800), Lleida (3,000) and Tortosa (1,200). If Salvador Illa and his separatism version 2.0 were not implementing the political program of the ERC, we could speak of the end of the political hegemony of secessionism.

But The CPS is fully following the policy of excluding Spanish that Esquerra designed Republican, and that is why he created a Department of Linguistic Policy – ​​persecution – and appointed Francesc Xavier Vila as its head, the same one who dealt with this issue in the government of Father Aragonès. Only they promoted him from secretary to advisor. For the same reason, Salvador Illa placed Sonia Hernández, who also held a high position in Aragonés, at the head of the Ministry of Culture, another key area to exclude everything Spanish from Catalonia. More socialist vitamins for separatism in off-peak hours? Miquel Samper, who was Minister of the Interior with the very fanatical Quim Torrais Minister of Business and Labor.

Let’s continue, no matter how much we repeat ourselves, it will always be little in the face of the socialist propaganda hammer of “Salvador Illa means the end of the world.” process“. Lie. Because the new Minister of the Interior is the only socialist who has resigned from the PSOE Federal Executive due to Pedro Sánchez’s support for the application of 155: Núria Parlon. This separatist/socialist leader is the one who commands the Mossos d’Esquadra and who approved the signing of Josep Lluís Trapero, the leader of the Mossos during the 1-O coup, as Director General of the Police.

And there’s more. Alicia Romero, known to the CPS as the nationalHe is the one who will have to negotiate with Sanchez. the tax plunder they call single financing. This fanatical sovereignist will be happy to leave the Extremadurans, the Andalusians or the Galicians without the euro, to name just three examples of Spanish regions that will be plundered by the new economic agreement that the Catalan Generalitat will have. Do you remember the pseudo-consultation of the 9-N that had been set up Artur Mas? The Minister of the Interior who organized it, Ramon Espadaler, is the new Minister of Justice and Democratic Quality. “Democratic quality” in the hands of the one who organized an illegal referendum. We are fine.

You already know many of these facts, because they have been discussed many times. But now that we are talking about the “failure” of Diada and the “disunity” of the separatist movement, we must insist that there is neither failure nor disunity. Secessionism entered a new phase, led by Salvador Illa, who, in exchange for power, agreed to continue the road map for independence.. And, furthermore, it will do what neither ERC nor Junts can achieve: that the PSOE agrees to dismantle what little remains of the State in Catalonia so that the presence of Spanish in this autonomous community is nil.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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