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Manuel Machado or the age of poetry, the documentary that claims the figure of the Sevillian poet

Documentary film arrives in Seville “Manuel Machado or the age of poetry”. A work that vindicates the figure of the Sevillian poet on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. This work was presented in the Odeón Plaza cinemas. Its objective is to “value the writer unjustly forgotten for extra-literary reasons.”

The work, which places the Sevillian on the same level as the greatest writers of the 20th century in Spain, takes advantage of this anniversary to highlight and valorize a key poet of Spanish literature. He was responsible, among other things, for introduce modernism to Spainthrough his collection of poems ‘Alma’.

Born in 1874, the eldest of the Sevillian Machado brothers made history. Of course, under the shadow of his brother Antoinethe youngest representative of the 98 generation.

Their dramatic separation at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War and the death in exile of the younger brother has always fueled an alleged confrontation between them and this documentary takes care of clarifying it. Both were resolutely republican until Manuel changed course towards the fascist side.

The work was created by Tesela Communication and had the participation of Canal Sur Televisión and the sponsorship of the Unicaja Foundation. It was directed by the Sevillian Miguel Ángel Hernández Arango and the research of Rafael Alarcón, Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar and Carmen Molina also contributed to it.

These researchers were tasked with organizing and cataloguing the Machado brothers’ manuscripts. Their work resulted in the discovery of a unpublished work by the two writers‘The Goddess Reason’, which recently came out.

In the documentary, two of the great nephews brothers, Mercedes and Carlos de Lecea Machado, clarify in the first person some of the aspects of the biography of their uncle Manuel that had remained in the background due to the oblivion to which the poet was condemned after the end of the dictatorship. The documentary film is now available on the Canal Sur + platform.

Other people who collaborated on the documentary are the poets Luis Antonio de Villena and Luis Alberto Cuenca, declared admirers of the brothers’ poetry. Also the former vice-president of the government Alphonse Guerraspecialist in Machado’s work.




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