Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 12:58 pm
HomeEntertainment NewsFaced with Michel Barnier, Emmanuel Macron evokes a “new era” but reminds...

Faced with Michel Barnier, Emmanuel Macron evokes a “new era” but reminds us that he has “his own skills”

On the agenda of the day

Michel Barnier He travels through Savoy, his stronghold, and Haute-Savoie. After visiting the National Institute of Solar Energy and a Maison France Services, he heads to the parliamentary sessions at Les Républicains at 4.30 pm. Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau AND François-Xavier Bellamy will hold a press conference at 6.30 pm in Annecy.

Emmanuel Macron He went to Le Havre, where Edward PhilipThe mayor, former prime minister, is the mayor, to commemorate his liberation from the Nazi yoke in September 1944. At the end of the day, the mayor and the president will each give a speech. We remind you that Le Havre has announced that it is a candidate “until the next presidential elections”On Tuesday, the former prime minister reiterated that “will serve[t] the maximum to help [le nouveau premier ministre] » after meeting him at the Horizons parliamentary sessions, where the two men demonstrated their good understanding.

Meanwhile, we will continue in the mornings:

7:30 am: Veronique GuillotinSenator (European Democratic and Social Grouping) of Meurthe-et-Moselle Public Senate;

7:40 am: Jean-Philippe TanguyMember of Parliament (National Rally) for the Somme in France 2; Aurora BergéResigned minister responsible for gender equality and the fight against discrimination, member of parliament (Ensemble pour la République, EPR) for Yvelines on RTL, and Robert Menard, Mayor of Béziers in RMC;

7:45 am: Maud BregeonMember of Parliament (EPR) for Hauts-de-Seine on Franceinfo, and Pierre Jouvet, Member of the European Parliament (Socialist Party) on Radio J;

7:50 am: Eric Coquerelpresident (La France insoumise, LFI) of the finance committee of the National Assembly in Inter of France;

8:20 am: Dominique de Villepinformer prime minister in Inter France:

8:30 am: Sebastien DeloguDeputy (LFI) for Bouches-du-Rhône on Sud Radio, and Fabien RousselNational Secretary of the French Communist Party in LCI.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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