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HomeBreaking NewsInside the Trump Empire: How Did Workers and Dead Horses Get Used?

Inside the Trump Empire: How Did Workers and Dead Horses Get Used?

Investigative footage about the family of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, his father, Fred Trump, and his grandfather, Frederick Trump, was broadcast on Baku TV. Fred Trump is accused of embezzling millions of dollars from the US state budget, and his grandfather is a businessman in the United States who makes hamburgers from the meat of dead horses and earns millions.

The foundation of the Trump empire is his grandfather, an immigrant from Germany, Friedrich Trump. He ran away from home at the age of 16 in 1885 and sought refuge in the United States, and the Trump story begins in Bavaria. During his early years as a barber, Friedrich collects his earnings down to the last cent. Hearing that construction work is taking place all over Seattle, Frederick decides to leave New York and take advantage of this opportunity.

He obtains 16 acres on the outskirts of downtown for $200. This is Friedrich’s first major investment. The greed for gold was rife at that time. People came from all over the country to obtain gold from the newly discovered mines, and Friedrich Trump built a hotel for people to stay in. Those lucky enough to get gold were wary of staying in hotels for fear of being robbed. But Friedrich Trump hires women to entertain the hotel guests. Later, Friedrich Trump joins the gold prospectors and decides to try his luck.

Dozens of gold seekers, making their way through the snowy mountains, died before reaching the mines. There was a place called Blanco, which was difficult to cross. This place was even called “the road of dead horses”, because the horses could not stand it and perished. Friedrich Trump understands that this business is not for him, but an entrepreneur who knows how to make money from stone decides to open mobile canteens in the same mountains. He made a fortune making hamburgers from the meat of dead horses. After a year, the horse meat runs out and Friedrich Trump returns to the city to sell his business. Friedrich Trump died from the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918.

His father raised his son Fred Trump as a real businessman. The bird of happiness sits on Fred Trump’s head after World War II. Housing for war veterans begins to be built, and of course Fred Trump is the first to do so. The project was to be financed from the state budget. Fred Trump is building thousands of houses with money allocated from the budget. But the money went not only to the houses under construction, but also to Fred Trump’s pocket. In 1954, an investigation is launched into the fact of fraud in the construction sector. During the investigation, the fact of embezzlement of four billion dollars is revealed. And Fred Trump says in his testimony:

“The state gave me money to build houses. I build them myself and the money I don’t use goes to building other houses. So I haven’t gained people’s trust yet? In general, I don’t understand what’s going on here and I don’t see any crime.”

In the detailed plot:

Inside the Trump Empire: How Did Workers and Dead Horses Get Used?

Inside the Trump Empire: How Did Workers and Dead Horses Get Used?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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