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HomeLatest NewsAEMET warns of a drop in temperatures this Friday in the southeast...

AEMET warns of a drop in temperatures this Friday in the southeast of the peninsula

The thermometers will suffer a notable drop this Friday in the southeast of the peninsula, while there will be intervals of strong wind with very strong gusts in the Ampurdán, on the Galician coast, in Alborán and in the Canary Islands, with possible heavy showers on the southeast coasts, according to the Agency’s forecasts.

Cloudy skies are expected in northern Spain and the Mediterranean area, with the possibility of rain that will ease throughout the day in both areas, but more likely in Barcelona and Mallorca, as well as isolated light rainfall in the Canary Islands.

Maximum temperatures will increase in the northwest and southwest, while they will decrease in the Plateau, in the eastern part and in the Balearic Islands, on a day when minimum temperatures will decrease in the north, with frost in the Pyrenees, but increase in Andalusia.

Northerly and easterly winds will predominate in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, the Tramuntana will be strong in the Ampurdán and Menorca, there will be strong intervals on the Galician coasts as well as a gale on the Ebro and from the east in Alborán and Estrecho, while the trade winds will blow strong and in very strong gusts in the Canary Islands, with very strong gusts also possible in the Pyrenees.

On Saturday, AEMET predicts precipitation especially in the Levante Peninsula, with greater probabilities in the provinces of Murcia, Almeria and Malaga, in the Strait and in areas of the Valencian Community or Catalonia, which will clear up for Sunday, where there will be a slight increase in temperatures in all areas.

Prediction by autonomous communities

GALICIA: The sky will be clear, except early in the morning, in the northern and southeastern part, with intervals of low clouds that continue in the morning in the extreme north with probable light rain in A Mariña. Morning fogs can be observed in the southern half of Orense.

Minimum temperatures will decrease slightly throughout the day and maximum temperatures will decrease in the north and increase in the Rías Baixas. The north and northeast wind will be weak in the south and moderate in the rest, with however strong intervals on the northwest coast from noon.

ASTURIAS: Overcast skies are expected with morning mists likely in the higher areas of the mountain range, while light rain is possible in the east in the early morning and early morning hours. Minimum temperatures will drop and maximum temperatures will rise slightly and light winds will increase to moderate on the coast.

CANTABRIA: The sky will be cloudy, except in Liébana, with light showers that will ease in the afternoon. Minimum temperatures will decrease, as well as a slight drop in maximum temperatures in the southwest. The north wind will be weak inland and moderate on the coast, which in the last part will become easterly at noon.

BASQUE COUNTRY: The sky will be overcast but cloudiness will decrease in the afternoon, with possible light rain in the morning. Minimum temperatures will decrease. The north wind will be weak inland and moderate on the coast, although it will ease in the afternoon.

CASTILE AND LEON: There will be clouds in the north and east, with possible light precipitation in the north, especially in the mountainous areas, while in the rest the sky will be clearer. Temperatures will decrease, except for the maximum in the north, and the winds will come from the northeast.

NAVARRE: There will be clouds throughout the territory and they will decrease in the morning, with light rain in the Pyrenees until noon. Minimum temperatures will drop and the wind from the north and northwest will be light to moderate.

RIOJA: The sky will be overcast with possible light precipitation in the Iberian system, clearing up in the afternoon. Minimum temperatures will decrease with winds blowing from the northwest.

ARAGON: The sky will be cloudy in the Pyrenees, with light precipitation in the morning and a snow level between 1,600 and 1,800 meters, while in the rest the weather will be clear or with few clouds. The thermometers will drop throughout Friday. The wind will be moderate in the Ebro Valley and in the Pyrenees, while in the rest it will range from light to moderate.

CATALONIA: clear weather except on the central coast, where there will be cloudy periods with a probability of morning showers that will ease in the morning, and in the western Pyrenees, with overcast skies, light precipitation in the morning and a snow level between 1,600 and 1,800 meters.

Temperatures will decrease, except for the maximum temperatures in the northeast, which will increase. The north and northwest wind will be moderate to strong with very strong gusts in the early hours in the Empordà and south of Tarragona, while in the rest it will be weak.

EXTREMADURA: The sky will be slightly cloudy. Temperatures will experience a slight drop in the north and east, while a slight rise in the rest. Winds will come from the northeast.

MADRID COMMUNITY: clear. Temperatures will drop slightly. Winds will be light with some moderate intervals to the southeast.

CASTILE-LA MANCHA: The sky will be slightly cloudy, except in the mountainous areas of the northwest and in Albacete, where there will be a probability of light rain and morning fog in the mountains.

Maximum temperatures will experience a general decrease that will be notable in the south of Albacete, while minimum temperatures will decrease in the northern half. The wind will blow from the east and northeast with moderate intervals in the morning, turning to the east and southeast in the afternoon in Albacete.

VALENCIAN COMMUNITY: in the north, clear weather, while in the rest they will be overcast although they will open, with scattered showers that will ease in the morning.

The thermometers will drop, especially the maxima in the southern half. The wind will be light to moderate, while to the north of Castellón it will come from the northwest and will be moderate to strong with very strong gusts in the early morning.

REGION OF MURCIA: There will be clouds that will be accompanied by showers, more likely and intense during the first half of the day and on the coast, where they could be strong. Minimum temperatures will increase on the coast, while maximum temperatures will decrease, especially inland. The wind will be weak inland and moderate on the coast.

BALEARIC ISLANDS: The sky will be covered with scattered rain. Temperatures will decrease during the day. The wind will come from the north and will blow between moderate and strong, slowly passing in the afternoon to Eivissa and Formentera.

ANDALUSIA: The sky will be cloudy and very cloudy in the east, with heavier showers on the coast in the morning. Temperatures will rise on the Atlantic side and maximum temperatures will decrease. Winds will be light to moderate on the Atlantic side, with a strong easterly wind on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean and in the Strait, where very strong gusts are expected late in the day.

CANARY ISLANDS: The sky will be cloudy in the north of the islands, while in the rest it will be clear with a light entry of mist at altitude in the second part of the day in the easternmost islands.

Maximum temperatures will increase slightly to moderately in the interior areas of the eastern islands. The moderate trade wind will have strong intervals and probably very strong gusts at dawn on the south-eastern and north-western slopes, as well as on the south-facing peaks.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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