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“Broncano or Pablo Motos? Sánchez’s last war to cover up Begoña Gómez”

Spain is in civil war. This is how Sanchez wants us. Constantly confronted with everything. The last civil war that favored divert attention from corruption which haunts his house and his government is due to the “very important” national question – with which he finds himself confronted in this country – of Broncano or Pablo Motos.

The problem is not trivial and is very symptomatic. Broncano’s millionaire signing on TVE It was a whim/personal order of the president government to thwart the audience success of a program critical of it like El Hormiguero in Antenna 3. Sanchez’s narcissism could not support this 20% of the public laugh at him every night. So much for his unhealthy ego.

The question has all the ideological charge and intention, apart a huge economic cost for everyoneWhatever Broncano says, he’s lying. Because the 28 million ETP to carry out their program for two years, they take out our taxes and I can think (although Broncano says he is lying) of a thousand better things that could be done with them for the benefit of all or certain groups abandoned by the government and not only for the benefit of Sánchez’s propaganda, as is the desired goal.

Permanent civil war over anything is the fracture and distraction project continues that Zapatero began by remembering the Republic and the Popular Front that, ultimately, governs us today with infinite sectarianism. Sanchism has managed to exacerbate a historical feeling that is particularly close to our hearts, that of the two Spainsthat the Transition had managed to bury because its protagonists wanted to bury it.

It is about always creating two camps and fighting, every day, about everything, quickly forgetting the controversy of the day before so that everything seems normal to us and, in the end, not everything matters to us and we lose the sense of what is truly important and transcendent and what is not. The trivialization of everything is part of this propaganda strategy and stupidity staff.

In this, Broncano, I admit, is a genius. He knows how to do it. Their program is the most absolute emptiness and also the most absolute crudeness, including a language full of insults and crude expressions on public television. But that’s how they like us. Laughing at nothing because intelligent humor is more difficult to create and This requires some intellectual elaboration.

Those from Broncano boast of their good audience between 13 and 24 years old. That’s what it’s all about. Do you understand? And incidentally, to increase the audience of El Intermedio de Wyoming in The sixth because what Sanchez wants is his own television and he prepares it with the Rush Group, Contreras, Fran Llorente and José Pablo López, the one who took Broncano to ETP by order of Moncloa.

In this permanent civil war for anything, of course, those who are not with His Holiness and official left-wing propaganda taken up by pseudo-media like The country (who told us today the hoax that food inflation was falling when in reality it was slowing down its rise, which is different) are of course categorized as being far right, Francoist, fascist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, racist or other of the many empty words that the left invents, yes, loaded with political poison to divide.

Fracture and divide Spain with the Catalan separatists and the putschists, awakening the worst instincts loaded with innate hatred of the socialists, communists and anarchists, led to the destruction of the Second Republic from the first minute and to a civil war so that Spain would not end up being a communist satellite of the USSR, What did the PSOE want?. This PSOE that transformed the Republic into a criminal left-wing regime against half of Spain and provoked a war is the same PSOE today, after the refoundation of an ignorant and sectarianwith a deceptive fool’s face, like Zapatero.

Socialism is built on poverty and ignorance. He needs stupid citizens. Bread and circuses. Broncano will fulfill this mission In ETP perfectly.

Socialism needs uneducated citizens and therefore necessarily subsidized, but yes, indoctrinated from school and eaten away by the media in the service of power. socialism needs citizens who know nothing They also lack any critical thinking skills or intelligent sense of humor. but it depends on the state.

This is how socialism buys votes. It was the ERE of Andalusiafor example, and that’s why they stayed in power for 40 years. pure corruption despite Pumpido. Felipe González tried it too. It lasted 13 years. That is what Sánchez aspires to now. To surpass González’s mark. He does not care about the corruption that accompanies this system because it is amoral. His own wife is the perfect expression of this: Begoña Gómez began shamelessly collecting public funds as soon as she arrived in Moncloa.

Meanwhile, of course, with the tax money contributed by those of us who actually work, they They buy votes and wills based on subsidies and bonds that they sell as measures “social and progressive”. Like that youth bonus that was invented before the elections just for those who were 18 and were going to vote for the first time. What a coincidence. Or those 40 million euros that Sánchez is announcing today as a subsidy so that you can buy a bicycle. They know they are talking to idiots who are capable of giving up their vote for a free bicycle. Or at least they think so, which is the worst. This is how poor we are. And so sheepish.

This way of understanding that money and public resources belong to them is what led them to Hire Broncano for 28 million euros on public television (who leads a socialist activist) in an attempt to compete with a private television programme. This in itself is already unacceptable in a European democracy.

This is pure televisual Chavismo, but it is also part of a plan of control of public and private media for general disinformation and political indoctrination that they do not hide because, unlike the PP, socialism has no complexes. Do you remember that “we came out stronger” from the pandemic on all the country’s front pages and media except the honorable ones? exceptions like OKDIARIO? Well, that’s right. The government always tries to silence the press by flooding it with money. Some resist and others don’t.

Look. I am told that Sanchez is committed to renew, as soon as possible, RTVE, although the priority is of course placed on pasta, large ibex companies and energy or telecommunications. That is to say the CNMV and the CNMC. To Concepción Cascajosa, provisional socialist president of RTVE, They elected her for six months. Part of the board of directors must be replaced. It is the turn of three PP councilors who must leave their posts because – do not miss it – they were drawn by lot. I promise you.

When we say “renew” in the case of Sánchez, we already know what we are talking about: impose, attack, squat, etc., etc. Like the former delinquent minister, Jose Luis EscriváToday PSOE political commissioner at the Bank of SpainThe fact is that there are conversations with the PP to renew TVE. Also with the television sector, which reminded Sánchez of the 100 million euros promises that the president presented as candy to the media before the summer from the podium of Congress.

Broncano or Pablo Motos. It is the last civil war of Sanchism that keeps us very distracted… but really. Broncano’s first “jokes” in ETP were, of course, on the PP and Bárcenas. Broncano will hide something about Sánchez (he lies that the president did not appoint him and jokes about it) but I doubt that Broncano is angry, for example, with the corruption of Begoña Gómez or the ERE, which are more current.

Of course, if you prefer El Hormiguero to Antenna 3 this Broncano You are a fascist and a sexist. Irene Montero spent a million euros, as if it were her own, to create Pablo Motos of the Ministry of Equality a personal smear campaign assuring, a little less, that he was a stalker and a sexual obsessive.

Yes indeed. Of course. If Broncano directly and insistently asks Najwa Nimri, on public television for which we all pay, how many times she has “fucked” (as it is) or “masturbated” (as it is), then that is “progressivism”. because Broncano does itwho is one of his own and who is the favorite puppeteer of power but who is in charge of all of us. Do not let them fool you. Imagine what would happen if Pablo Motos or anyone else dedicated themselves to asking their guests how much he fucked in a month.

This question, as expressed, is a Broncano classic and one of the great attractions, apparently, of his program. This is the level at which socialism and its beloved leader want us, Kin Jon-Pedro. It is also the Pedrocracy. A country that is increasingly degraded economically, socially and culturally to end up being a morally degraded country where we can govern with putschists and terrorists without anything happening and nobody caring, while we laugh at the most absolute nothingness that Broncano means. Because the task of this millionaire presenter, but socialist, like Wyoming, is to carry out a program that is a faithful reflection of the Spain that Sánchez he wants to build on his immorality to his own measure manifesto and its social laboratory in Moncloa.

40 years of socialist laws in schools have done the rest so that there are people of all ages who see Broncano in mass and laugh. And thus be able to continue to subscribe the votes of millions of sheep who lets himself be bought for a simple bicycle, while the one who really makes fun of us is Sánchez.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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