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Who are those who want to overshadow COP29? – The inner face of the German MP revealed

Western officials, who were in an unfair position towards our country when Azerbaijani lands were under occupation, switched to biased rhetoric after the liberation of our lands.

Another attack was launched by Frank Schwabe, a German member of the European Parliament, who has always been elected for his hostile position in assemblies where Azerbaijan was mentioned. F. Schwabe said that this time there is a problem of “political prisoners” in Azerbaijan. For many years, European politicians have been trying to attack countries that do not submit to them, using expressions such as “human rights”, “democracy”, “political prisoner”. In Azerbaijan, many people who received financial support from the West and were involved in subversive activities and their networks were exposed.

After that, such attacks were, in fact, to be expected. However, those who do this should know that Azerbaijan’s leaders act only within the framework of their will and the national interests of the country. F. Shvabe’s critics know well that it is impossible to speak to official Baku in the language of oppression. However, their goal is to overshadow the COP29 event. Although such slanders were launched against Azerbaijan before the Eurovision, European Games, Islamic Games and Formula 1 competitions, the villains failed on all occasions.

F. Shvabe and his masters, who are looking for political prisoners who are not in Azerbaijan, are silent about the events in Armenia. This pseudo-humanist MP, who mercilessly slanders our country, ignores the facts of the death of opposition journalist Mher Yegiazaryan, who went on a hunger strike in prison in Armenia in 2019, and the mysterious death of opposition politician Armen Grigoryan in the courtroom on July 15, 2022. It is clear that he and his fellow believers do not have the courage to criticize Armenia.

Because it is the money of the Armenian diaspora that gives them something to talk about. The order is very simple: just carry out a smear campaign against Azerbaijan. The situation has reached such a point that this MEP, who has lost his sense of justice, was not ashamed of his mandate and was closely involved in the preparation of an anti-Azerbaijani feature film on the German public broadcaster ARD. This was the only project he would present to extort money from the Armenian masters. Why did this hypocritical politician, who supported the immediate withdrawal of our country from PACE when Azerbaijan liberated its lands, speak out against Russia’s withdrawal from this organization after the events in Crimea in 2014? This shows that he is hypocritical, biased and openly hostile towards Azerbaijan. Frank Schwabe is openly competing with Luis Ocampo and several members of the US Congress in the race to defame our country, and is looking for ways to outdo them and thus make more money from the Armenian diaspora.

The ignorant people who finance them do not understand thatto Ilham Aliyev It is impossible to put pressure on in any way. President Ilham Aliyev, relying on public support, frustrates all the efforts of the villains. F. Schwabe and his fellow believers know this too. They simply do not care.

The only thing they care about is making more money along the way. Before the 44-day war, when our lands were under occupation, F. Shvabe, who did not speak about the fate of Azerbaijani refugees, made consistent statements about Armenians who left Karabakh voluntarily after the war.

The German politician claimed that Azerbaijan will destroy all Christian monuments. However, this person who speaks of democratic values ​​did not say a single word about the Muslim mosques that were destroyed and insulted by the Armenians. From the listed facts it follows that Frank Schwabe does not need reasons to defame Azerbaijan. Even when there is no reason, he can bring up the non-existent problem of “political prisoners”. However, this person must know that his lies serve only the Armenian masters, and in Azerbaijan it is already known how many faces this MP has.

More on the Baku TV plot:

Who are those who want to overshadow COP29? – The inner face of the German MP revealed

Who are those who want to overshadow COP29? – The inner face of the German MP revealed


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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