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HomeLatest NewsThe Regional Council of Córdoba will allocate 500,000 euros to energy saving...

The Regional Council of Córdoba will allocate 500,000 euros to energy saving projects carried out by local entities

The Delegate for Energy of the Provincial Council and President of the Provincial Energy Agency of Córdoba, Tatiana Pozoreported the publication in the Official Journal of the Province of the resolution of Call for grants 2024 for local entities, aid of 500,000 euros aimed at encouraging the municipalities of the province to reduce their energy consumption, to integrate the renewable energies or reduce their CO2 emissions.

In this sense, Pozo stressed that “they presented 72 requests from town halls in the different types included in the call and, finally, grants were awarded to 51 local entitiesincluding 31 for photovoltaic self-consumption projects, 14 for public lighting projects and 6 for high-performance air conditioning projects.

Photovoltaic self-consumption as the main demand

The president of the provincial energy agency said that “the photovoltaic self-consumption This is the main demand from local authorities because it allows them to reduce the consumption of their buildings. In addition, we have seen an increase in proposals for shared self-consumption in several buildings, allowing greater efficiency in the facilities.

“We observe the tendency of recent years to present proposals focused on the incorporation of renewable energies throughout the self-consumption because reducing the amount of the bill associated with electricity is one of the great challenges for local entities to be able to act in other areas,” explained Pozo.

Action budget

In total, continued the provincial deputy, “the actions to be carried out in the municipalities represent a total investment of 626,434 euros with a grant from the Agency of 500,000 euros. The President of the Energy Agency recalled in this regard that “in 2024 the budget of the call has been increased by 100,000 euros compared to the previous year”.

As provided for in the rules of the Call, the aid covered the following: 100% of the investment with a maximum of 10,000 euros per municipality and being compatible with other aid. The complete list of subsidized projects can be consulted in the BOP of September 12 and the information on the call on the website of the Provincial Energy Agency of Córdoba.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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