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HomeLatest NewsThe Mozarabic Way strengthens Córdoba's links with the Way of Saint James

The Mozarabic Way strengthens Córdoba’s links with the Way of Saint James

The plenary hall of the Provincial Council of Córdoba hosted today the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Association of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago and the Association of Camino Mozárabe Municipalitieswith the aim of strengthening relations and cooperation between the two entities, promoting the conservation and re-evaluation of the two routes.

Regarding this aspect, the president of the provincial institution, Salvador Fuentes, indicated that “we are facing an event that brings together the will of 114 municipalities which speaks volumes about the importance of the document signed today.

Fuentes recognized “the work and efforts that have been made to make visible a major tourist resource for our territory and which is strengthened today thanks to the signing of this collaboration agreement with the Association of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago.”

The President of the Provincial Council wanted to take advantage of this event to “offer and make available to new project from our Provincial Printing Office, an essential tool for the publication of documents that contribute to bringing the Path closer to citizens and to disseminating the work that is becoming official today.

For his part, the Delegate for Infrastructure, Sustainability and Agriculture of the Provincial Council, Andrés Lorite, insisted that “from the provincial institution, we have worked to enhance the value of the Mozarabic Waythrough its digitalization, but also from a tourist point of view.

According to Lorite, “many actions are implemented in a transversal manner in terms of economic development and infrastructure promote this resource closely linked to the territory.

The signing of the collaboration agreement was carried out by the president of the Association of Municipalities of the Camino Mozárabe, Gema Gonzalezand the president of the Association of Municipalities of the Camino de Santiago, Carlos Serrano.

Promotion of activities

Thus, the document includes concrete actions such as the implementation of projects, programs and training activities, conferences, lectures and forums; as well as the organization and execution of joint activities related to the dissemination and enhancement of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the linked territories.

Likewise, actions will be launched to promote the tourist products of both entities, in addition to the exchange of good practices, support and contacts.

The signing of the aforementioned agreement is another example of the efforts made by the Association of Municipalities of the Camino Mozárabe to seek collaboration and carry out projects with different associations that result in the promotion and conservation of the Mozarabic Way.

To this end, it is essential to establish relations between the two associations in order to combine efforts and resources in favor of the improvement and accountability of the Mozarabic Way of Saint James, still unknown to many. This route was taken by Christians who lived in the Arab kingdoms to connect with the Via de la Plata in Santiago de Compostelabeing one of the oldest routes of the Camino de Santiago.

Currently, it has more than 500 kilometers through the Andalusian lands, crossing 5 provinces and a total of 60 municipalities. The Association of Municipalities of the Mozarabic Way has among its members all the municipalities of the province of Córdoba crossed by the Mozarabic Way of Saint James, with the exception of the capital, in the process of joining, and two municipalities of the province of Málaga. . At the end of this year, it is estimated that they will be 25 the members of this entity, incorporating the municipalities of the other provinces.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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