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HomeBreaking NewsPosner, who had been silent for two and a half years, suddenly...

Posner, who had been silent for two and a half years, suddenly spoke – about his dream and the First

Journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner, who had been silent for two and a half years, seemed to have watered his mouth when he gave his first interview to the Forbes Talk project on YouTube. At first, Posner explained that he was “deviating from his principles” and decided to speak out only because he owed it to the presenter of the topic, Anton Zhelnov. He has no further public appearances planned.

The almost hour-and-a-half-long attempt to somehow understand the mysterious and long-lived media figure is almost half advertising, and subscribers in the comments are wondering why Posner came to this meeting, occasionally posing “the next question” without giving a single concrete answer, having agreed in advance with the journalist not to discuss any topical issues, maintaining his image of an elderly intellectual who knows how to change shoes in the air in a couple of seconds.

The key reason for this interview seems to be Posner’s statements about his work and Channel One.

The journalist said that he had made an eight-episode film about Turkey and had even given it to the channel. The film was accepted on all technical grounds, but now CEO Konstantin Ernst must decide whether it will be broadcast or not.

“If he likes the film, he will decide when it will be released. Usually, these films were usually shown during the winter holidays. I don’t know what decision will be made, but I think we made a good film.” —Wait, Posner.

He said he misses radio broadcasting very much, “it’s his job and he does it very well” and, of course, he would love to go back, but “it just happened that way.”

Posner described the question of wanting to return to Channel One as very difficult.

“And… I generally dream of this happening. But I don’t think it will happen. This is the only answer I can give.” – Posner said.

Users have greatly appreciated this release and have left eloquent comments.

“A kind of soap. An interview for the sake of being an interview. Significant load – 0”, “I watch 30 minutes, I don’t talk about anything, half of this time is advertising”, “This man has a considerable mind, but not a penny of decency and honor”, ​​“Since childhood I have not understood why this person deserves unconditional respect, just because he is old. He lived to be 90 years old and still enjoys life. And this is even worth discussing? Well done, of course”, “I read that Posner dreams of returning to television – I won’t even watch this charlatan”, “This is how Posner ended up”, “We somehow lived without him for 3 years and will continue to live”, “I decided to listen to the end! I don’t understand why he did this! He once again proved how slippery and unpleasant he is, there is no trust in him, his insides are immediately visible – what he breathes, what he breathes and the quality of the air that he spreads around him”, “Too fixated on his beloved self. Cunning”, – YouTube channel subscribers draw conclusions.

As reported EADailyIn fact, Posner appeared once during these two and a half years on Channel One. On his 90th birthday, on April 1 of this year, a documentary about Posner was broadcast. He personally liked this work very much, but the public reacted, to put it mildly, with criticism.

However, during these two years, Posner went on tour more than once in a duet with a television presenter. Ivan Urgant.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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