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Marlaska protected the Civil Guard from the “Koldo affair” despite complaints from Transport

The Ministry of the Interior has made Ignoring complaints from Transport security officers and the works council on the behavior of the accused second lieutenant in the Koldo case and other commanders of the Civil Guard.

Fernando Grande-Marlaska also did not make a decision when several workers from the company were hired in the Nuevos Ministerios building They filed a complaint for the crimes of “disobedience, coercion, threats and falsification of documents” against General José Antonio Berrocal, Colonel José Eduardo Gómez, Commander Jesús Merchán and the aforementioned second lieutenant detained by the UCO, José Luis Rodríguez García.

The agent linked to Koldo caseas published by EL ESPAÑOL, even threatened security agents to infiltrate businessmen in the Ministry of Transportation. Another incident occurred when he tried not to record the visit of a person responsible for a case related to other investigators such as Juan Carlos Cueto and Víctor de Aldama.

THE response from the Secretary of State for Security The Ombudsman, after a letter from the UGT, was informed that “controversies had taken place between the staff of the private security company Sureste and agents of the General Directorate of the Civil Guard.”

“The situation generated focuses on the personal relationships between the civil guards and the security agents,” said the Secretary of State for Security in his report. He concluded that, despite receiving photos of armed agents in the building, others asleep at work and poorly parked patrol cars, “the quality of the service provided to citizens” was not affected.

The problems related to the abuse of power by the Civil Guard in transport lasted until recently after more than a year of repeated complaints in the Interior by emergency management and the CCOO and UGT unions which represent security agents.

A service inspector report of October 13, 2023, to which EL ESPAÑOL had access, recounts how a Benemérita car parked at the entrance of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda in the area reserved for people with disabilities.

At that time, on a Friday afternoon, most parking spaces were free.

The officer’s response when asked to remove the patrol car from the restricted area was, “I’m not moving the car under concrete. I’m sick of this nonsense.”

This newspaper also had access to a video in which a civil guard is seen sleeping in the access of senior officials with music in the background. The security failure is such that anyone could have reached the minister’s office at that moment, since there is the elevator that leads to the office currently occupied by Óscar Puente.

The second lieutenant accused in the Koldo case kept a close friendship with the senior officerAlejandro de las Alas-Pumariño, on whom this security zone depended in 2020 during the events investigated by the National Court and until July 2021.

Image of the Civil Guard car parked in the disabled area of ​​the Ministry of Transport.



Precisely, this relationship becomes more important after the audit carried out by the Ministry of TransportThe senior officer is in charge of the accommodation service and therefore of the warehouses where the masks were located.

Alejandro de las Alas-Pumariño said that the keys to the rooms where the masks were kept were held by Koldo García and the second lieutenant of the Civil Guard.

However, both the former advisor to Ábalos and the security agents and union representatives tell EL ESPAÑOL that the senior official is lying in the audit. These testimonies coincide in emphasizing that De las Alas-Pumariño himself was in charge of keeping the masks alongside the accused second lieutenant.

Confession of the Second Lieutenant

The summary of Koldo case It includes a wiretap of José Luis Rodríguez, the second lieutenant assigned to Transport. In one phone conversation with a businessman On January 19, the Civil Guard claimed to be responsible for managing the purchase of masks for the Interior Ministry.

“It’s not money that I saved from my savings and I’m investing it here, okay? It’s not that, far from it, to give you an idea, one of the companies that capitalized on this is the one that bought all the masks in Spain,” says the second lieutenant.

“All the masks in Spain, okay? I mean, that tells you everything. Which, by the way, I managed them through the Ministry of the Interior“And these are things that I don’t even need to tell you,” the civil guard reproached himself.

During the pandemic, he was the friend of the second lieutenant, the senior officer, the person most responsible for controlling access to the Ministry of Transport.

Precisely, he was in charge of providing the commissioner Víctor de Aldama with a “special pass” with which he entered the official building daily through the unit in charge of the Civil Guard.

When the senior officer was removed from office and the security of the Ministry of Transport became the responsibility of the Director of Emergency Situations, Ruben Eladio LopezThe second lieutenant began, along with other civil guards, to harass and reprimand the security officers.

These clashes, in which José Luis Rodríguez was always one of the protagonists, led the emergency management and the CCOO and UGT unions to ask the Ministry of the Interior to take measures against the MITMA civil guards.

Complaint from the MITMA Security Agents Works Council to the Ministry of the Interior



The second lieutenant’s goal was to regain control of access and also to be able to deal with senior MITMA officials.

As EL ESPAÑOL learned from ministerial sources, José Luis Rodriguez even infiltrated the office of a high-ranking officialThis event gave rise to a formal complaint from the security management to the Interior, although it also had no consequences.

Entrepreneurs at MITMA

One of the major incidents between the Civil Guard and Transport security officers occurred in July 2022, when Rodríguez was intercepted by security officers trying to sneaking a Galician businessmanThe Civil Guard refused to register the visit and to have the person’s name noted at the checkpoint, so she finally gave up.

The second lieutenant even contacted the ministry’s security inspector to ensure that the businessman’s visit was not recorded in any records. He failed to do so and left, telling the guards that he was doing so “so as not to tarnish this person’s reputation.” In addition, he challenged them by stating that his visit “would take place through another door.”

The companion of the second lieutenant detained at Koldo case It was Manuel Fernandez, a businessman linked to the blackboard company in which, according to the Central Operational Unit (UCO), Víctor de Aldama and Juan Carlos Cueto laundered money obtained from mask commissions through the company Comercializadora de Pizarras Santa Bárbara.

The businessman arrived at the main entrance of the Ministry of Transport in an Audi Q8 and said he met the sub-lieutenant. José Luis Rodríguez, who was waiting for him, asked not to be identified, which was denied by security members after consulting with the emergency director, because the head of security, Mateo Cuadrado, could not be located.

Then there was a confrontation with the guards. “Here, I am the authority”Rodriguez even said.

“This will also be done by force,” the detained second lieutenant responded, according to documents that EL ESPAÑOL had access to. “Nothing should be allowed,” he said before proclaiming himself “the only person responsible for the ministry.”

“Next time, when someone comes to see me, accompany me. If someone prevents me, it must be physical and, if they do, I will issue an immediate arrest warrant against the person who obstructs me,” he added.

These and other threats made by the second lieutenant were recurrent over time. However, the Ministry of the Interior always decided not to act, despite the filing of complaints against different commanders of the Civil Guard.




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