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HomeBreaking NewsSanchez pursues the fugitive... but so that the budget is approved

Sanchez pursues the fugitive… but so that the budget is approved

Santos Cerdannumber 3 of the PSOE, will meet again Carles Puigdemont abroad, after months of not doing so, to ask for their support and that of the Juntas for government budgets. He will do so just weeks after the fugitive escaped from state security forces and agencies for the second time since 2017.

The news, published today exclusively by EL ESPAÑOL, coincides with the promise made yesterday Thursday by the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska: “Sometimes things fail and it’s hard to justify it. I’m confident it won’t happen again.”

“That” is the escape from Puigdemont, for which Marlaska exonerated the Mossos d’Esquadra. “To all We wish he had been arrested as he should have been.“But I want to leave this new direction of the Mossos and the previous one safe.”

The contradiction is obvious. While Marlaska attributes Puigdemont’s escape to an excusable error and expresses his conviction that the third time will be the charm, His party is already preparing its next meeting in France, Belgium or Switzerland with the fugitive..

Who should we believe then? The Minister of the Interior, who speaks of Puigdemont as a fugitive from justice, or the PSOE, which meets with him, as it would with any other parliamentary partner, to ask for his support for the Budgets?

This government has accustomed the Spanish to speeches that are no longer difficult to reconcile, but rather antagonistic. But the intellectual pirouette that is once again imposed on citizens It won’t be digested as easily this second time..

Without a doubt, the new series of meetings of the PSOE with Puigdemont will revive suspicions of collusion of the government with the fugitive. That is to say, Moncloa has allowed, with its inaction, its slow reflexes and its decision to leave the entire operation in the hands of the Mossos, that Puigdemont escapes again.

Which is to say that the suspicion that Puigdemont’s escape was, if not a sufficient condition, Yes, a necessary condition for opening negotiations on the approval of the General State Budgets.. At least while the judge Pablo Llarena and the Supreme Court considers the amnesty inapplicable to the crime of embezzlement of which the former Catalan regional president is accused.

In short, Sánchez is pursuing Carles Puigdemont, as he promised. But not to arrest him, as justice has ordered, but to court him.




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