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HomeLatest NewsYoung Suma Flamenca kicks off flamenco autumn in Madrid

Young Suma Flamenca kicks off flamenco autumn in Madrid

The flamenco that is coming, the one that renews the art of flamenco with guitar, song and dance, unveils its creations in the fourth edition of Somme Young Flamencoorganized by the Community of Madrid in the Green Room of the Teatros del Canal from September 12 to 15. This encounter with flamenco art serves as a preamble to the great Suma Flamenca festival in the fall, which also advances its content at the Ateneo de Madrid, with an encounter from October 1 to 5 around the theme of this year’s Suma, Oriente flamenco. From Ronda to Cartagena and the exhibition Flamenco in the dramatic black moon. Flamenco discography through the funds of the Carlos Martín Ballester Collection.

Featuring flamencos under 30, Suma Flamenca Joven is a commitment of the Community of Madrid to the new values ​​that it invites you to discover in this cycle of four galas. Each of the galas will feature the presence of a concert guitarist, a singer and a dancer who will expose to the Madrid public the artistic and creative energy of an “indisputable intensity and truth” typical of their youth and their nascent professional scene. words of the director of Suma Flamenca, Antonio Benamargo.

At the gala on September 12, Manuel Herrera Jr., from Seville, will perform in concert with a guitar recital; the singer from Cordoba Rocío Luna, with the guitar of Luis Medina and the rhythm of Emilio Castañeda and Antonio Amaya “El Petete”; and the dancer, also from Cordoba, Manuel Jiménez, who will be accompanied by the singer Ismael “El Bola”, the guitar of Juan Manuel “El Tomate” and the compas of Manuel Lozano.

In the second gala (September 13), Antonio González will perform, guitar in concert, alongside the percussionist Kike Terrón; Morenito Jr., singer from Cádiz who will be accompanied by the guitar of Ismael Rueda; and Lucía La Bronce, dancer from Seville, who will feature Manuel Pajeres and Inma La Carbonera on vocals, Daniel Mejía ‘El Carqui’ on guitar and Andrej Vujicic on percussion.

Cadiz guitarist Víctor Franco; the Madrid singer Gabriela Giménez, who will be accompanied by the guitar of Antón Giménez; and Badajoz dancer Zaira Prudencio, accompanied by singers Ismael El Bola and Francisco Blanco and guitar by Manolín García, will be the star of the third Suma Flamenca Joven gala (September 14).

The cycle will end on September 15 with recitals by El Poti de Granada (guitar in concert); Tomás García, a singer from Granada who will be accompanied on stage by the guitar of Pedro Barragán; and Patricia Donn, a dancer from Barcelona, ​​who will welcome for this show at the Sala Verde the singer Saúl Quirós, the guitarist Israel Cerreduela, the cellist Batio and the cajon Ivan Losada.

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In the activity prior to Suma Flamenca, which will take place this year from October 15 to November 3, the Ateneo de Madrid will lay from October 1 to 5 the theoretical bases of its fifth edition, which opens to the geographical space that, from the Tajo de Ronda, heads towards Malaga, Jaén, Granada and Almería, concentrating in this province on La Unión and Cartagena.

In these territories, their own songs and varieties of others were created, as will be presented in the presentations of the cycle. Thus, in Malaga, the malagueñas were created fandangos abandolaos (rondeñas, jaberas, jabegotes …), and some forms of tangos, bulerías, soleares, polos, añas and serranas. Jaén contributed singular artists such as Juanito Valderrama, Rafael Romero, Gabriel Moreno and Carmen Linares; Almería, its authentic and indigenous song, the taranta; Granada, the gypsy culture of Sacromonte and Murcia, the mining songs.

Is Flemish. From Ronda to Cartagena, they will map it in five presentations, one per day, the flamencologists Ramón Soler (Málaga la cantaora), Gregorio Valderrama (Jaén, singer and miner) and Antonio Sevillano (Almería dorado), and the cantaores Antonio Campos (Aires de Graná) and Curro Piñana (From La Unión to Cartagena).

Each of the presentations will end with live performances. The singer from Malaga Bonela Jr. and the guitarist Rubén Lara will perform on the first day; and according to the daily schedule, the singer from Jaén Laura Marchal, the guitarist Juanito Campos and the compás of Jesús Campos and Emilio Catañeda; Trio José del Tomate, with Cristi Santiago as second guitarist and Jony Cortés on percussion; Antonio Campos, with guitarist Miguel Ochando, and Curro Piñana, with guitarist Juan Ramón Caro.

In the same Ateneo de Madrid, the Anselma room will host the exhibition Flamenco in the dramatic black moon from October 1 to 29. Flamenco discography through the funds of the Carlos Martín Ballester Collection.

The exhibition includes around a hundred documents and works from the largest musical archives in Spain from the period 1890-1960, which highlight the quality and historical and phonographic importance of the flamenco section, as well as that of Spanish recordings of a political, cultural and scientific nature. Through this selection of pieces, the visitor will be able to better understand the legacy of figures such as Antonia Mercé “La Argentina”, Manuel Vallejo, Ramón Montoya, Vicente Escudero and Antonio Mairena.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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