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HomeLatest NewsThis Device Is Making Your Electricity Bill Explode

This Device Is Making Your Electricity Bill Explode

THE electricityand the cost of electricity billhave made this supply one of the major concerns of Spanish households for a long time. With an electricity price that varies daily and according to certain time slots, the cost can exceed 100 €/MWh. This situation has forced consumers to reconsider their use of each household appliance at home and look for solutions to reduce energy costs. And in a context where inflation affects not only electricity, but also water, gas and basic products, it is necessary to rethink consumption habits to cope with the increases.

Furthermore, electricity consumption is not the only challenge that Spanish families face. Prices of other essential consumer goods have also risen sharply. due, among other factors, to inflation, which has forced households to adjust their budgets and look for ways to reduce costs in different areas. In this scenario, many people have chosen to turn off or limit the use of certain appliances in order to save on their electricity bill. However, there is a device that, although seemingly harmless, is increasing costs without many realizing it. And when we talk about reducing electricity consumption, we usually think of large household appliances such as the refrigerator or the washing machine, which work constantly or with intense cycles. However, many people are unaware that There is a device that persistently consumes even if it seems off: the television. Most homes have one or more, and even if it is turned off with the remote control, it remains connected and consumes energy in standby mode. This expense, called “vampire consumption”, has a significant impact on your electricity bill.

This Device Is Making Your Electricity Bill Explode

Television is one of the most common appliances in Spanish homes and, paradoxically, one of those that contributes the most to monthly energy costs. Even if it is turned off from the remote control, it still consumes power in standby modea state in which it appears inactive, but is still connected to the electrical network. This “standby” mode is indicated by the red light on the TV, which remains on, even if it is apparently not being used. What few people know is that this small detail represents a consumption that, at the end of the month, translates into an expense that for many will be more than considerable.

Compared to other appliances like the refrigerator, which runs continuously, or the washing machine, which has intermittent but intense cycles, the television may seem like a less relevant appliance in terms of expenditure. However, Its impact is compounded because it remains connected 24/7, consume energy even when no one is actively using it. This phenomenon is even more pronounced on more modern televisions, especially smart TVs, constantly connected to the Internet to receive updates and stay ready to turn it on at any time.

And this expense increases when watching television directly. According to a report from OCU Regarding the appliances that consume the most, the television is the fifth appliance that generates the most expenses, behind the dryer, the dishwasher, the refrigerator and the washing machine and only keep it for four hours at the end of the day can assume a monthly expense on our electricity bill of more than 3 euros.

The technology behind the spending

Technological advances have made today’s TVs much more sophisticated than their predecessors, but also more demanding in terms of energy. Smart TVs, or smart TVs, require a constant internet connection to stay up to date and enable functions such as quick start or synchronization with other devices. While these innovations bring comfort and functionality, they also involve greater electricity consumption.. Furthermore, the trend towards having more than one television at home – in the living room, bedroom or even in the kitchen – amplifies the impact of this constant consumption.

Unlike other appliances such as the refrigerator, whose consumption is predictable because it must maintain a stable temperature, The TV continues to consume energy even when we are not using it. In fact, it is estimated that A TV can consume up to 10% of its total power in standby mode, which, added to the actual usage time, makes it one of the biggest energy consumers in the house. solution To avoid this expense it’s simple: unplug the TV completely when not in use, which can help significantly reduce monthly electricity consumption.

Another solution could be Use power strips with switches to cut off power to multiple devices at once.. In this way, residual expenses related to standby mode are avoided and the impact on the electricity bill is reduced. Another option is Program the TV to turn off completely after a period of inactivitya feature available on many modern models.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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