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“Spain should not accept more migrants until it has regularized the 700,000 waiting”

The Executive President and Director of EL ESPAÑOL, Pedro J. Ramirezparticipated this Wednesday in the Telecinco program meeting The critical look analyze the political news, marked by immigration and the Catalan concert agreed between the PSOE and the ERC.

Pedro J. Ramírez criticized the fact that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, offered on Tuesday 250,000 jobs in Mauritania to attract more migrants to Spain, because he believes that it would be necessary to first regularize the 700,000 who are already in Spain irregularly.

“We must remind the president that in April the development of a Popular Legislative Initiative was approved, also supported by the PP, to begin the regularization of those foreigners who have been in Spain without papers since 2021,” he explained.

The director of EL ESPAÑOL called Sánchez’s offer “irresponsibility” and to promote the “pull effect” of immigration.

Catalan concert

Regarding the contradictions between the PSOE and the ERC after Illa’s investiture pact, which in principle provided for an economic agreement for Catalonia, the director of this newspaper assured that “there is not the slightest doubt about the nature of what has been signed.” “It is a concert, as Josep Borrell explained, which implies the approval of a quota, a reform of the system Organic Law on Financing of Autonomous Communities (LOFCA) and another change in the Constitution,” said Pedro J. Ramirez.

However, the director of this newspaper revealed that “senior government officials recognize that there are no plans to approve a reform of the LOFCA so that the Catalan quota can be reached.” The reason for these doubts within the Executive is that The PP would have to approve the changesa support which popular They are not going to lend. There are also doubts about the meaning of the vote of some deputies of Sumar and José Luis Ábalos.

For Pedro J. Ramirez, “the only question that remains to be resolved is to what extent MRC “is a participant in the deception, to what extent they knew that the Catalan concert would not be approved.”

In any case, “even if it is not approved, the damage caused to the PSOE will be immense,” assured the director of EL ESPAÑOL. Why? “The issue of amnesty touches on principles and equality before the law, but here we are talking about the pockets of citizens,” said Pedro J. Ramírez.




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