Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 10:27 am
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“We work to maintain the relationship between peoples”

The Spanish government wanted to reduce the diplomatic escalation with Venezuela after the Caribbean country summoned the Spanish ambassador and called its ambassador for consultations by the statements of the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles. The minister called the government of Nicolas Maduro a “dictatorship”, causing great unrest in the country.

“This is a sovereign decision of Venezuela on which we do not comment,” official sources from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told LaSexta. In addition, they stressed that “They work to maintain relations between the brother people of Venezuela and the Spanish people.”

In the same vein, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, said on Friday that there was “nothing to comment on”. This was stated in an interview on RNE this morning.

“We are working to have the best relations with the brother people of Venezuela. We maintain relations with the brother countries of Latin America that They go much further than we can have with other countries,” the minister defended himself.

For this reason, he said, the only thing he thinks about is “the Spaniards who live in Venezuela and the Venezuelans who live in harmony in Spain,” as well as “commercial interests.” “That’s what guides me and that’s what I work for,” he added. In addition, he criticized the PP for the illegal proposal it presented to Congress to recognize opposition leader Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuela.




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