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This is the most popular zodiac sign in Spain: it will surprise you

The dates of the horoscope are distributed according to the position of the Sun at each moment in the zodiac wheel located in the sky. It includes the 12 signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces), which become protagonists approximately every 28 days, thanks to the fact that the king of the stars is positioned. on them. When referring to the sign of the zodiac, it is actually the sun sign of the astrological map. It is a representation of the firmament in the date of birthwhere the well-known zodiac sign that we usually look at in the horoscope appears, as well as the moon sign, the ascending sign and the different planets that make up our personality.

The reason why there are 12 zodiac signs on the zodiac wheel goes back to Babylon3,000 years ago. When they created the 12-month calendar, they looked at the sky and assigned each constellation a time slot of about a month. It is important to clarify that, according to astrology, the position of celestial bodies may not coincide with their actual position in the sky.

The most common zodiac sign in Spain

Bull tops the list of the most common signs in Spain, with a total of 3,485,206 people, which represents 8.70% of the population. Born between April 21 and May 21, Taurus are usually conceived in late July and August, coinciding with the summer holidays. This period coincides with the time when many families have more free time and experience less stress at work, making it easier to conceive.

During the 70s and 80s, when the industrial sector was of great importance and holidays were concentrated in the summer months, there was a notable increase in the number of people. Taurus Births. This phenomenon shows how work dynamics and holiday periods can influence birth patterns. The correlation between summer holidays and the increase in Taurus conceptions highlights the influence of social and professional habits on demographics.


One of the most remarkable characteristics of Taurus is its resistance and determinationThis sign is distinguished by its ability to remain calm in any situation, which allows it to focus on its goals and work tirelessly until they are achieved.

Likewise, Taurus has a strong sense of beauty. People born under this sign tend to show artistic inclinations and develop great creativity. In the field of relationships, they are reliable and loyal people, both in love and in friendship. They respect laws and rules and have a great sense of justice, which makes them very loyal companions and friends.

THE will This is another important characteristic of Taurus. They do not sink in the face of difficulties, but continue to move forward until they are overcome. This tenacity and determination allow them to face and overcome obstacles with great efficiency. Likewise, they avoid taking unnecessary risks in the professional and financial field, preferring to walk with a firm and sure step.

However, they also have their weaknesses, and one of the most notable is their obstinacy. They can be too rigid and resistant to change, making them less adaptable to new situations. This stubbornness can lead them to be self-centered and argumentative in certain circumstances.


Taurus and Aries These are two very compatible signs. Both signs share a penchant for earthly pleasures and combine their characteristics perfectly. Taurus ensures the balance of Aries, while receiving from him the energy he needs.

THE compatibility between two Taurus It is very high. Two people of this sign can create a relationship on solid foundations, emphasizing the practical side and sincerity between them. This combination facilitates a simple and harmonious life.

Taurus and Virgo They get along very well. Both signs are practical and can build a strong and complementary relationship. In the sentimental sphere, the connection between them is powerful, which allows them to enjoy a full life.

Compatibility between Taurus and Leo It’s complicated because of their fundamental differences and stubbornness. While Leo seeks constant socialization, Taurus prefers the tranquility of home. In romantic relationships, Taurus may feel that their emotional needs are not being met, which can lead to conflict.

Taurus and Scorpio They have good compatibility, even if it is not obvious at first glance. If they manage to overcome their stubbornness, they can build a solid relationship. In the love sphere, although compatible, they must find a balance between the physically expressed love of Scorpio and the desire for affection of Taurus.

Compatibility between Taurus and Sagittarius is weak. These signs have very different needs: Sagittarius seeks freedom and adventure, while Taurus needs stability and closeness. However, in the romantic sphere, they can find a certain level of compatibility.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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