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HomeEntertainment NewsLive from Prime Minister Michel Barnier: follow the political news

Live from Prime Minister Michel Barnier: follow the political news

On the agenda of the day

parliamentarians The Republicans begin their last day of classes, in Savoy and Haute-Savoy, after having seen Michel Barnier yesterday. national meeting launches his three-day comeback to elected office at the Palais Bourbon. Yesterday, Emmanuel Macron and Edouard Philippe, mayor of Le Havre, showed a certain complicity after the latter announced that he was “candidate for the next presidential elections”.

There match of Humanity It starts in Essonne and will last for three days. At 5:30 p.m., Lucie Castets, Presented as prime minister by the New Popular Front and rejected by Emmanuel Macron, she should speak before a debate between her, Fabien RousselNational Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), and Sofia BinetSecretary General of the CGT, at the PCF stand at 7:30 p.m.

In the meantime, here are the politicians present in the mornings, from whom we will give the most important statements:

7:30 am: Xavier Iacovellisenator of the Rally of Democrats, Progressives and Independents of Altos del Sena, in the Public Senate;

7:40 am: Agnes Pannier-Runacher, Member of Parliament (Together for the Republic) for Pas-de-Calais, the TF1, and Stéphane Le Foll, mayor (PS) of Le Mans, on RTL;

7:45 am: Marine tondelierNational Secretary of the Ecologists, in Franceinfo, and Geoffroy Boullard, Mayor (LR) of 17my Paris district, on Radio J;

8:10 am: Nicolas Dupont-Aignanpresident of Debout la France, on Europe 1 and CNews;

8:30 am: Sébastien ChenuMP for the North and vice-president of the National Assembly (RN), on Franceinfo; Luis AliotVice-President of RN and Mayor of Perpignan, on Sud Radio, and Sara KnafoReconquista, MEP!, in LCI.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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