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HomeBreaking NewsChaos in the Armenian army: the desire to "have fun" poisoned terrorists...

Chaos in the Armenian army: the desire to “have fun” poisoned terrorists on the conditional border

Recently, members of the terrorist group “Yerkrapa”, who were on combat duty, were poisoned in one of the military units located in the Syunik (Zangezur – ed.) province of Armenia.

Oku.Azaccording to information provided by local publication “Hraparak”.

It is reported that two cases of poisoning occurred in this military unit.

“We were told that during the first poisoning, two soldiers from “Yerkrapa” fell into a coma due to severe poisoning. In the case of the second poisoning, no such severe cases were recorded. We were told that the soldiers ate wild fruits and were poisoned because of it.

This fruit is called common linden (Lonicera xylosteum in Latin) and has hallucinogenic properties. When used in small quantities, it is hallucinogenic and produces various images and sensations characteristic of drugs. “When used in a slightly larger amount, it can cause unconsciousness and even coma, which means it is toxic to humans,” the source said.

According to reports, the soldiers of “Yerkrapa” knew about the properties of this fruit and used it for this purpose, but they exceeded the quantity, as a result of which poisoning occurred and two people fell into a coma:

“It is interesting that the first tragedy did not teach them a lesson. The second group repeated the example of those who fell into a coma and took advantage of the “pleasure” provided by the nine ordinary ones.”

It should be noted that Ashot Kurginyan, deputy director of the medical center “Armenia”, where the poisoned were taken, confirmed the information that two people were admitted to the hospital with poisoning from the Sunik region as a result of the use of hallucinogenic plants or mushrooms:

“They were brought to us from Syunik province, I think they were volunteers (Yerkrapa terrorists – ed.), two of them were in a coma. The next time, two days later, they brought several more people with the same problem. After a few days they regained consciousness.”

“These incidents indicate one thing: it is not known who is guarding the borders of our country, the army and the Ministry of Defense do not adequately control these people,” the publication said.

By the way, let us note that Armenia does not have enough soldiers to protect its borders. Due to the shortage of soldiers, the army uses members of terrorist organizations such as “Yerkrapa”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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