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HomeLatest NewsCulture extends the deadline to apply for the Youth Cultural Bonus to...

Culture extends the deadline to apply for the Youth Cultural Bonus to October 31

The Ministry of Culture has decided to extend until October 31, 2024 the deadline to apply for the Youth Cultural Bonus, which young people born in 2006 were able to benefit from this summer, and who will now have a new opportunity to access this financial aid. from 400 euros if they have not exhausted it. Initially, the deadline for submitting applications was set for September 16, but with this extension, published this Friday in the Official State Gazette, beneficiaries will have an additional month and a half to finalize the process.

The Youth Cultural Bonus, now in its third edition, is aimed at young people who will turn 18 in 2024 and aims to promote access to and enjoyment of a wide range of cultural products and activities, including opera, video games, books, theatre, dance, online series and the press, among others. The initiative is part of the 2023 General State Budget, with an allocation of 210 million euros, and is expected to benefit more than 500,000 young people throughout Spain.

To apply for the bonus, it is necessary to register on the official website of the Youth Cultural Bonus. It is essential to have Spanish nationality or to reside legally in Spain, although asylum seekers or temporary protection applicants can also access this aid, who must present specific documentation. Registration requires an electronic identity card, with one of the following methods:

  • With digital certificate
  • With the Cl@ve system (with basic and advanced registration). This is the simplest option, you can register here without having to go to an office in person

Once the application is approved, young people receive a virtual prepaid card, managed through a mobile application, with the option to request a physical version if they prefer. The bonus is divided into three categories of expenditure: 200 euros for live arts, cultural heritage and audiovisual arts; 100 euros for cultural products in physical format; and 100 euros for online or digital consumption. However, the funds can only be used in companies participating in the program, excluding large international platforms such as Amazon.

The use of the voucher is limited to one year only from the date of its granting, so beneficiaries are advised to plan their purchases carefully and make the most of the extension of the aid granted by the Ministry of Culture.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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