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HomeLatest NewsTwo fires in Tarragona burn more than 50 hectares of forest

Two fires in Tarragona burn more than 50 hectares of forest

–The firefighters of the Generalitat of Catalonia have been working all morning on the two fires that threaten the Montsant park, in Tarragona, and have managed to surround one of them, the fire in the town of Porrera, now concentrating their efforts on the Cabacés, where six bomber helicopters have been added to the 62 teams on the ground early in the morning.

The fires, which broke out simultaneously in the early hours of Thursday afternoon, were caused by incidents on the power lines, and the mistral and the westerly wind blowing in the area made the task of the extinguishing teams difficult, the municipal firefighters said. General.

At dawn, the Minister of the Interior, Núria Parlon, went to Cabacés, from where she followed the evolution of the fires and the work of the firefighters, the department reported.

Thirteen ground crews are working on the Porrera fire, which has been contained and firefighters hope to consider stabilized by morning.

In Cabacés, at midnight, the flames had affected about 45 hectares – Porrera, 11 – and the firefighters deployed 62 teams, 26 watercraft and 191 soldiers, to which six helicopters joined in the early morning for the bombings. In this area, the objective of the extinguishing teams is to avoid the reproduction of secondary fire sources.

Civil Protection maintains the Infocat plan alert activated and Rural Agents control access to the Serra de Montsant Natural Park, which remains closed.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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