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The flames of Cabacés and Porrera are advancing even if the firefighters are optimistic

The head of intervention and head of the Tarragona Emergency Region, Ricard Expósito, said that the Generalitat’s bombers are “optimistic” with the fires of Cabacés and Porrera (Tarragona)and they expect that this Friday they will be considered stabilized.

According to Expósito, the incorporation of aerial resources to the 62 ground teams fighting the fire Cabaces and the change of personnel will bring an “energy refresh” to try to stabilize it throughout the day. This outbreak, which expanded its perimeter during the night, already affects an area of ​​approximately a few 107 hectaresas reported by the EFE agency in a press release.

The deployed troops gave priority to the “tail and the right side, which are the most worrying because of their proximity to the Montsant Natural Park”. On the other hand, the wind intensity decreased, which allowed the troops to work “effectively” with aquatic means and manual tools.

For its part, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Miteco) will allocate four air units, two amphibious aircraft and two helicoptersto extinguish the fire. These additions will be added to the operation deployed since the start of the fire at noon this Thursday.

In the case of PorreraThe fire has stabilized this Friday morning. To extinguish the flames, which have affected 11 hectares, 12 teams continue to work, all on land, reviewing the perimeter to exclude the presence of hot spots, reports the X account of Bombers de Catalunya.

Perimeters confined in the Cabacés fire

The Generalitat firefighters have contained “a good part” of the perimeter of the Cabacés fire. Ricard Expósito, head of intervention and head of the Tarragona Emergency Region, explained that “There are two kilometers left to confineapproximately, of a perimeter which does not represent a threat which could lead to a significant increase.

Along the same lines, he added that “the idea is to reduce the probability that there could be a reproduction with significant potential.” Likewise, he warned that the wind that could aggravate the fire “will last until Saturday.”

Roads closed

Vehicle traffic in T-702 near Cabacés and TP-7403 near Porrera (Tarragona) continues to be isolated by fires. According to the Servei Català de Trànsit (SCT), the T-702 It is cut off between Vilella Baixa (Tarragona) and Cabacés for 10 kilometers, a cut in place since 5:26 p.m. this Thursday.

In the case of the TP-7403is cut between Porrera and Torroja del Priorat (Tarragona), an interruption active since 00:42 this Friday and affecting approximately 6 kilometers.

Origin of the fires

The fires, which broke out simultaneously early Thursday afternoon, were caused by incidents on power lines, as pointed out by Jaume Pujals, mayor of Cabacés; and the mistral and the west wind that were blowing in the area made the work of the extinguishing teams difficult, reported the firefighters of the Generalitat.

“The lines that we have here in the region, depending on the cities, they are precarious“As soon as there is a bit of wind or a storm hits, we quickly lose electricity,” he told TV3 on Friday.

The Minister of the Interior, Núria Parlon, went to the scene and asked citizens to be careful and not to approach the Sierra de Montsant to “avoid unnecessary risks and let the emergency teams work.”




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