Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 8:49 pm
HomeLatest News"He says he has no financial capacity and then he lowers taxes...

“He says he has no financial capacity and then he lowers taxes on high incomes”

On Wednesday, the President of the Council of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, warned, as part of the strategy to demand greater funding for Andalusia and reject the Catalan pact, that public services, such as education or health, are at their limit and that the autonomous administration is without sufficient funding. On Thursday, the Andalusian Government ratified its strategy of tax cuts and announced that it would incorporate new measures in favour of housing, SMEs and families. The secretary general of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, denounced the “incoherence and contradiction” between the two messages.

“Don’t take us for fools. If yesterday I had not financial capacity“How do you have enough today to continue to lower taxes on the highest incomes?” asked the socialist general secretary, who warned that a loss of “credibility” had been demonstrated.

In this sense, Espadas also demanded that the Andalusian government put pressure on the PP in Congress to ratify the stability trajectory and deficit targetst that the Council of Ministers approved and that in the case of Andalusia they would have an impact of 1,000 million euros over three years, of which 400 million correspond to 2025.

“I hope that at least your party will support the proposal for greater spending capacity that the government has made for the 202 Budgets5. Their permanent confrontation costs us, Andalusians, several million euros,” concluded the socialist general secretary in a message on social networks.

For Andalusia

In the same spirit, the parliamentary spokesperson of the Por Andalucía coalition, IImmaculate Grandsoncriticized the message sent by the Andalusian government regarding the lack of funding for public services and tried to dismantle its statements about the extreme economic situation: “There is money as punishment for health, education and dependency.”

Inma Nieto stressed that there are years in which Andalusia has received “extraordinary transfers “very important”, both those who arrived because of the Covid-19 pandemic and those who arrived and “continue thanks to European funds”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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