Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 7:06 pm
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“They can’t be too optimistic”

“It is very easy to guess what Junts will vote for. Anything that consolidates coffee for everyone will not have our vote. Anything that increases economic grievances or the invasion of powers towards Catalonia will not have our vote,” he said in an interview with Ser Cataluña, collected by Europa Press, just two days after Miriam Nogueras, The Junts spokesman in Congress announced that the party’s seven deputies would vote against the single financing for Catalonia agreed by the PSC and the ERC.

In the same spirit, Turull issued a threat against the socialists: “I think they will answer themselves that, in the present state of affairs, they cannot be very optimistic about I don’t know what vote. You cannot be surprised because “they are warned”. Before approaching the negotiation of the PGE, it is necessary to make an “assessment of what has been achieved on the list” agreed with the PSOE for the investiture of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. A balance sheet that, for the moment, does not seem to satisfy Junts per Catalunya.

The biggest obstacle at present is the immigration management, a theme highlighted both in Turull’s interview and in the one we agreed on. In this sense, Turull responded to the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, that “global management is global management.”

“If you do not consider respecting the agreements, we will also act in the same way that the PSOE knows that we will act if the agreements are not respected,” contested the secretary general of Junts, who recalled the decision to form Vote against the deficit trajectory in Congress, a preliminary step to advance the PGE. “If they do not consciously respect the agreements one after the other, they know that they cannot demand or reject responsibility on the other party,” he added.

The leader did not miss the opportunity to point out Grande-Marlaska regarding the flight of the former Catalan president: “Having studied more”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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