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“Sanchez has no plan”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijoocalled for a “European alliance against illegal immigration” to deal with the waves of illegal immigrants who have arrived in Europe in recent months, particularly in Spain via the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. Feijóo made this request after meeting this Friday in Athens (Greece) with the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakisand with the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Nikos PanagiotopoulosThe president of the Popular Party praised the immigration policy pursued by the Greek government, while criticizing that pursued by the government of Pedro Sanchez. “Sanchez nor I have a plan“Their immigration policy is the absence of an immigration policy,” he said.

“Unfortunately, we have seen in our country that the greatest arrival of irregular immigration This happens when the PSOE governsand this is not a criticism, these are concrete data. And the truth is that our immigration policy is a non-existent policy,” Feijóo stressed this Friday in statements to the media at the headquarters of the Greek government presidency. The PP leader regrets that the Sánchez government wants to distribute the problem of irregular immigration “among the autonomous communities”. “The government is not capable of proposing a joint action protocol, it is not capable of talking or negotiating with the autonomous communities and the only thing it is trying to do is distribute the problem throughout the territory of our country. This is not an immigration policy, it is the lack of immigration policy” he added.

In the presence of Greek leaders, Alberto Núñez Feijóo highlighted the measures implemented by the Greek government and by the Vice-President of the European Commission, Marguerites Schinas. “Greece has an immigration policy fair, austere and humanitarian. And Greece has been working on this issue for many years and with more rigor than Spain. Greece knows what it wants in terms of immigration. The Vice-President of the European Commission, Margaritas Schinas, was rapporteur of the Migration Pact. The truth is that Greece considers this to be one of the structural problems of its country. And also, therefore, of Europe. The proof is that there is only one government responsible for migration issues,” he said.

Measures against illegal immigration

On the other hand, the PP president proposed “a European alliance against illegal immigration”, while announcing that he will undertake a tour of the continent with the aim of defending “his measures to alleviate migratory pressure”. The popular leader referred to the agreement he reached this Tuesday with the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijowhich provides for the transfer of irregulars to other countries of the European Union.

In this sense, he listed other measures such as: Mobilisation of European funds for border controlintensify border surveillance, involve Frontex and support the Asylum Agency and public diplomacy in African countries.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo also called for strengthening the fight against human trafficking and the role of Europol in its work against mafias; increasing the returns of irregulars and encouraging their readmission to their countries of origin; concluding new agreements with third countries of origin and transit and accelerating development cooperation agreements with these countries.

“The borders must be secured, the Greek or Spanish borders are European borders. And so Europol, Frontex, the regulations for facilitate the return of irregular migrants the need for cooperation at the origin with the countries of origin of this migration and, above all, to attack the mafias that engage in human trafficking,” he defended in the presence of Greek leaders.

Finally, Feijóo once again attacked the “diversion policy” of the government of Pedro Sánchez to try to stop illegal immigration, referring to the hundreds of immigrants who continue to arrive in the Canary Islands in cayucos. “Greek policy is not a policy of swerving, but it is a policy of firmness, a state policy that has reached the sensitivity of the European Union. The only thing that Sánchez is trying to do is to spread the problem throughout the territory of our country. It is not an immigration policy, it is an absence of immigration policy,” he reiterated.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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