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HomeBreaking NewsMoney transfers from Russia to Azerbaijan have dropped dramatically - REASON

Money transfers from Russia to Azerbaijan have dropped dramatically – REASON

The volume of remittances from the Russian Federation to the population of Azerbaijan in the first half of this year amounted to 287.05 million US dollars.

Oku.Az reports that this is indicated in the information of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that the cash balances of individuals transferred from Azerbaijan to Russia decreased compared to the previous year by 9.09 million (23.6%) to 29.4 million dollars.

“However, in the same period last year, $38.49 million was transferred. Thus, remittances from Russia to Azerbaijan exceeded transfers to Russia by $257.65 million,” the report said.

on the subject Oku.AzThe economist who made a statement to Khalid Karimli He said that The reasons for this decline cannot be fully explained.

“Unfortunately, the Central Bank’s statistics do not record any information about the destination of the money transfers sent, which are usually done on these money transfer platforms under the name of personal transfer.

It is not registered and does not inform society about it. Therefore, it is impossible to list specific reasons.

But what we generally know is that traditionally more than half, sometimes up to 60-70 percent, of the money that comes to Azerbaijan belongs to Azerbaijanis living in Russia. It is true that it comes from us, but these are very small amounts, not large ones.

If we look at the Russian economy in 2023-2024, we will see that the Russian economy will grow both in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022. It is interesting that here even salaries outstrip those in the West due to the growth rate. In other words, there is no decline in the Russian economy.

But what is visible? In particular, after the incident at the Crocus City Hall in Russia, problems began to arise with the comfortable work of Azerbaijanis working in this country, as well as citizens of Central Asian countries such as Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, which created serious problems for their work and remittance of money.

That is, the only factor is the terrorist incident that took place at the “Crocus Town Hall”, after which people in Russia whose documents are not in order began to suffer in terms of work. Let’s say that before they took your family away and nobody said anything, now they are creating problems for you because you are working, so they give you a work permit, take them back with you.

“In my opinion, the only reason is precisely these restrictions, the effects of which are felt not only in Azerbaijan, but also in Central Asia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. After the terror, they strictly enforce the rules against illegal immigrants without work permits. The rules were always there, but they did not apply them, but now they strictly enforce them, and the effect of this is reflected in these statistics,” the economist said.

Aziza Ismayilova


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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