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“Political evolution is acquired with maturity

Ana Nunezthe new advisor of People’s Party of the Jaén City Council, stood out after the opposition party discredited some comments he published on his social networks in which praised the Franco dictatorshipas well as the figure of Francisco Franco.

In an article he published in May 2019 on his social network account The advisor sang “Facing the Sun” and he illustrated it with a photo from the series “Game of Thrones”. After that, in March 2020, when the state of alarm was declared due to Covid, the mayor said that The pandemic was caused by the dictator being removed from his tomb in the Valley of the Fallen, “the same thing that happened with Tutankhamun,” he added in his comment. More recently, he called an Instagram video that featured an image of Francisco Franco “really cool.”

Although we can see a greater glorification of Francoism on social networks, it was between 2013 and 2014, when Ana Nunez He said that, “to end well,” a history assignment would include “Don Francisco Franco” and he accompanied it with a colon and a parenthesis that imitated a smiling face.

In another of his messages, he addressed directly the “republicans” who had lost their “little battle”, in reference to the civil war, and described the socialists as “reds”, thus taking up Francoist terminology.

Although these messages were known on September 6, Ana Nunezwho in addition to being a councilor is also responsible for the New Generations Communication of the Andalusian PP, has not spoken until this Wednesday. The councilor justified her messages by saying that are “taken out of context”who wrote them when “I was very young” and it “has nothing to do” with his current way of thinking.

“On September 6, I took the oath as a new councilor of the government team of the Jaén City Council. I did it with the enthusiasm of someone who wants to work for his neighbors. On the same day, some tweets taken out of context that I wrote when I was very young and They have nothing to do with my way of thinking.” said the PP advisor.

In the same vein, Ana Núñez stressed that it is about “an exemplary person in the defense of democracy and freedom“and was “convinced” that the society of Jaén “will judge her on the work she does” in favor of the “prosperity” of the municipality; which, she assures, is her “only objective.”

Afterwards, he apologized to those who may have felt “offended” by his comments and added that she feels harassed and that he will hand over to the National Police the “death threat” he received via social networks. He also considers that the “persecution to which he is subjected” is “unjust” and that it does not take into account factors such as “the political evolution that is acquired with maturity.”

“It is paradoxical that those who applaud the constant changes of opinion of the President of the Government on very delicate issues persecute a humble politician for some tweets that, as my career reveals, do not identify me in any way,” concluded Ana Núñez.

The first thing he did after learning about his posts in which he defended Francoism was to privatize his X account and delete some, but not all, of his controversial proclamations.

The mayor of Jaén has not condemned his partner’s comments either. and expressed her support: “She assumes that she was very active on social media and that she posted these messages when she was young and did not hold any public position,” she said, before adding: “The good thing about youth is that people mature. and now she no longer has that way of thinking, but rather the thinking of the Popular Party, which is democratic,” he added. “With us, she has never made any gesture or inappropriate comment, and she has been working with our ideology since the first moment,” she concluded. Statements by Agustín González Romo to the newspaper Jaén Hoy.




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