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Ayuso’s PP contrasts Madrid’s vigor with six years of “sick and decadent sanchismo”

He Spokesman of the Popular Group in the Assembly of Madrid, Carlos Díaz-Pachewas the last to intervene in the debate on the state of the region. With its absolute majority, the PP has carte blanche in the Parliament of Madrid and can also impose all its resolutions as the culmination of the debate. Popular people have compared the vigor of Madrid, the economic engine of Spain, to a declining sanchismo.

The parliamentary spokesman of the PP stressed that six years of “sick and decadent Sanchism” could make Madrid fall into discouragement and lose faith, but that is what the Ayuso government is for, he said, “a real government, which complies with its commitments, executes its budgets”, to face it. “They shout and lie. You are lost, ladies and gentlemen. Fortunately not us”, he warned the opposition.

Carlos Díaz-Pache recalled that Más Madrid made the same proposals as Podemos, while Lobato received a round of applause from his bench “that sounded like a farewell”. “But what do I know?” And about Vox, he recalled that he had chosen the wrong opponent, “but they will know”, and he recalled that yesterday, in Congress, he had avoided Sánchez giving explanations about the financing of Catalonia. Here in Madrid, “the smaller they are, the more influence they think they have”.

“The Madrid left has designed a region that is practically underdeveloped. A hell that people would like to escape from,” he criticized. But he presented data that proves the opposite. It is growing faster than any other community, where more and more businesses are opening their doors, where there are six of the ten best public hospitals and “the best public transport.”

Pache attacks Lobato: “We want him to stay, his people want to take him away. We want to help you, but you are not making it easy for us. Don’t look, but there, behind you, the Government delegate, like a sword of Damocles above your head. “They will not forgive you.”

He also had a message for Mónica García, Ayuso’s classic opponent, first in the Assembly and now in the Ministry of Health. He believes that the ministry has become formidable for him: “He is a doctor, a mother and now a minister, bluff.”

The PP spokesman had no sympathy for Rocío Monasterio, who asked the Community to close the M-50: “It is not our responsibility. Nor can we expand the A-6, reform the Giralda or complete the Sagrada Familia. Let’s see if he discovers once and for all what regional powers are.”

Regarding the plans of Sánchez and his partners to eliminate Madrid’s autonomy and end its economic and fiscal model, he warned: “Lose all hope. It won’t work for them. Attacks, inefficiency and only one plan: stay in power.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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