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HomeLatest NewsPSOE of Palma supports the "decree" of Sánchez in Mercapalma without any...

PSOE of Palma supports the “decree” of Sánchez in Mercapalma without any compensation for the City Council

The PSOE of Palma supports the decree and the intervention of Mercapalma by Pedro Sánchez, without any compensation for the City Council.

In a proposal that they will present at the municipal plenary session next September, the socialists of the capital of the Balearic Islands urge the mayor, Jaime Martinezand the PP government team of Palma, not to fight against the decision of the Council of Ministers of the end of last August, by which the public company Mercasa retains 45% of the shares of Mercapalma.

A measure which clearly contravenes the statutes signed at the time which stipulated that all the shares of Mercapalma would be transferred to the City Council, once 50 years had elapsed after the concession, a deadline already respected.

A decision that Mayor Martínez has already announced that he will appeal to the courts since it annuls articles 3 and 36 of the Mercapalma statutes, and with it the return of all shares to the City Hall, also with the addition that Sanchez’s coup against municipal interests, has materialized without recognizing the right to any compensation to the Consistory. A decree completely free.

But the socialists of Palma, in line with a regional direction of Francine Armengol bowed to Sánchez’s decisions, they have aligned themselves with the central government and demand that Martínez bow and resign to what has happened and agree with Mercasa on the best conditions “to guarantee the indefinite continuity of Mercapalma, the protection of the rights and interests of the workers and companies that operate there, in addition to guaranteeing the necessary investments for the improvement and modernization of the facilities.”

That is to say, not only does he accept Sánchez’s unilateral decision and harm municipal interests, but he also maintain your investment level, Knowing that in the agreement of the Council of Ministers last August, the City Council maintains the same percentage of participation of Mercapalma, 55%.

They also urge the first mayor to publicly present a detailed plan of modernization measures including a clear timetable of planned actions, without denouncing the unilateral decision of the Sánchez government.

The socialists give a twist to what happened and assure in this motion that the coup d’état of Sánchez in Mercapalma, “opens an opportunity to redirect the current situation of inaction of the Palma City Council, to guarantee the continuity of the main agri-food supply center of Mallorca, to protect the rights of workers and businessmen who operate in MercaPalma as well as to ensure a set of necessary investments.

For the PSOE, it is the lack of decision by the government team of the Palma City Council that has put at risk the future of an essential infrastructure for the agri-food supply of Mallorca and the employment of hundreds of people.

On the other hand, it is striking that the only Podemos councilor in the Palma city hall, Lucie Muñoz, in another proposal which will be debated at the next plenary sessionand distanced himself from the socialists, and criticized Sánchez’s intervention in Mercapalma. For this reason, he urges the municipal government of the PP to defend the legitimate exercise of the majority participation of the Palma City Council. “to defend municipal interests by political means and, where appropriate, by legal means.”

For Muñoz, the decision of the Sánchez government is “detrimental to the interests of the Palma City Councilwhich is the majority partner of Mercapalma”, because this eliminates the municipal negotiating capacity “by neutralizing the exercise of the majority stake that it currently holds” and, therefore, “is contrary to the interest of Palma”.

For this reason, Muñoz urges the 29 councilors of the plenary session of Palma to defend the “conversion of Mercapalma into a 100% municipal company, as the best tool to defend the general interest” of the inhabitants of Palma.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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