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“You have few Catholic values ​​if you ask me to abandon the menas in the streets”

The President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayusocriticized this Friday the fact that Vox talks about protecting the Cross of the Valley of Cuelgamuros in El Escorial while demonstrating few Catholic values ​​with immigration.You have few Catholic values ​​if you ask me to abandon the menas in the streets. Where are so many values? “Why do you want the Cross?” This was transmitted directly to the spokesman of this party in the Assembly of Madrid, Rocío Monasteryduring the debate on the state of the region, which is taking place for the second day in the regional parliament.

“Also, cross the one in the Valley of the Fallen, about which I say that the Church will have something to say, because it is not the responsibility of the Community of Madrid, like everything that concerns the Basilica, because this or belongs to “The church or the complex belongs to the national heritage”, added Ayuso while urging Vox to “stop lying” because they are doing everything they can within the framework of their powers.

And previously, Rocío Monasterio had criticized after the announcement that the Community of Madrid would protect as Property of cultural interest: Choir of the Basilica of the Valley of the Fallendid not go any further and extended its protection also to the cross that presides over the resignified valley of Cuelgamuros.

On immigration, Ayuso stressed that they are not the ones who authorize minors throughout the peninsula. The president recalled that she has no power in immigration matters and recalled that the law obliges her to integrate the minors she does not take with her during her stay. others open the tap from the borders.

In this sense, the regional leader said that the speech of the leader of Vox is full of lies when it asks for solutions to problems that do not fall within her competence or when it is about “distorting reality.”We have no powers over security or immigration“, the president condemned.

Attacks on the PP

On the other hand, the councilor of the Community of Madrid also criticized the fact that Vox, whenever it has the opportunity, launches “an excessive attack against the PP” and accused this party of having given the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, a “oxygen balloon” in the worst moments.

“They live being the PP, by what the PP proposes and says, and me even more.” Thus, Ayuso urged Monasterio to see himself from the outside and to realize the good that it does to La Moncloa to always be in this attitude. “The fact of being on this side of the House makes him look more and more like those gentlemen of the left or the ultra-left, who make an X-ray and a panorama of Madrid worthy of absolute blindness,” he told Monasterio.

The president of the Community expressed the fear of Santiago Abascal’s formation losing popular support because “many of his voters support what we do.” On the other hand, the regional leader said that the rival party was joining forces, intentionally or accidentally, to support the PSOE at the national level when it was losing votes.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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