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HomeTop Storiesan esoteric preacher who spoke to aliens and advocated conspiracy theories

an esoteric preacher who spoke to aliens and advocated conspiracy theories

The investigating judge number 6 of Alcalá de Henares decreed the entry in provisional prison communicated and without bail for Cesar SG, the husband of woman missing in Villalbilla and whose corpse appeared lying on a bed surrounded by several blister packs of pills next to an altar as an offeringin a room of the family home located in this city of Madrid. The court accuses him of crime of homicide or incitement to suicide, among others, reported the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM).

Caesar SG also called himself Ramaathis MamIt is a spiritual name. And, as he himself had previously commented, he and his wife They sympathized with spiritual movements, like the Hare Krishna, a sect of Hindu origin.

In these circles he called himself Ramaathis Mam, a pseudonym with which he also signed several books with esoteric content in a publishing house specializing in publications on spiritual growth. In a short biography written by himself, he states that “at the age of 10, he was so depressed because of his bad grades that he seriously considered suicide.” A fact that They avoided certain beings that appeared to them and that they appeared to him again when he was 27 to tell him that he should go to India to improve his “spiritual growth“. A ‘recommendation’ which he took into account and which led him to live for 11 years in a temple in the Asian country “under the training of a spiritual master who said he was waiting for his arrival”.

After this experience, the preacher also said that He came to Earth with a mission: that of to spread the message of the star beings to all humanity.

Moreover, several of the couple’s neighbors claim that performed meditation rituals on his estate in Villalbilla. Residents of the urbanization also claim to have seen him taking long walks with his wife wearing some kind of necklace or rosary and singing prayers as he walked.

On his LinkedIn page, it also appears that He completed a master’s degree in natural medicine and who has published a total of seven books. In them he addresses esoteric subjects, but also defends conspiracy theories. Similarly, on his website he offered services as a therapist.

In prison

César SG was arrested and admitted to the Alcalá-Meco prison after the Civil Guard found his wife’s body in a soundproof room in his residence in Villalbilla. It is a “small” space with a “kind of altar“, as explained by the sources of LaSexta; who described the space as a “type of installation for performing a ritual or offering“. It was here that they found Raquel’s body surrounded by blister packs containing pills that she could have taken, since no trace of violence was found.

It was her husband who reported his wife missing and assured that he had no more news from her after, on August 31, Raquel decided to visit her mother and spend a few days with her in Yuncos, Toledo, the municipality where she lived.

However, Cesar’s statement, full of inconsistencies, and the call to the emergency number that the woman had made a few days before, were decisive for the Civil Guard to enter the house this Sunday, September 8, according to sources close to the case. Here call for help, Raquel claimed that she was trap. But shortly after, it was interrupted. Added to this was that The missing woman’s cell phone signal indicated she was inside the house.

It was during this search, which they were able to carry out after obtaining a court order after Cesar refused a voluntary search, that Raquel’s lifeless body was found. At that time, her husband was not at home, but upon his return, when he saw the deployment of the police, he tried to escape.

In his statement before the judge, The accused denied the facts and that he is involved in the death of his wife, Raquel, but the magistrate considered that there are enough indications of the crime of ordering his entry into provisional prison with notice and without bail. César was arrested last Sunday night, but it was not until Wednesday night that he entered the Alcalá-Meco prison.




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