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HomeBreaking NewsCompromís will vote against the PGE 2025 if there is no equalization...

Compromís will vote against the PGE 2025 if there is no equalization fund for the Valencian Community

Commitments will vote against the 2025 general state budget if they do not collect a levelling fund for the Valencian Community to compensate for the underfunding.

This was confirmed this Wednesday by the parliamentary spokesperson of the coalition in the Valencian Parliament, Joan Baldoviwho asked for “air” from the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, to provide a solution to the least financed communities, among which is the Comunitat Valenciana. “Let them wake up,” he stressed.

Specifically, Valencia is the second autonomous community that receives the least resources, according to the latest Fedea report. The effective funding per Valencian is 3,089 euros, which represents 276 euros less than the national average and 865 less than those who receive the most (La Rioja).

In this sense, Baldoví affirmed that his political party is in favor of bilateral agreements between the central Executive and the autonomous communities, but denounced that financing cannot be organized only for one autonomy, in this case, Catalonia.

“We have already said that we will not vote for anything until the Valencian singularity is addressed,” he insisted. In addition, he considered that “no one understands that a progressive government approves an agreement with a community and does not solve the problem of those who are most deprived.”

“Let them wake up”

In this regard, he urged the government of Pedro Sanchez to address “once and for all” a leveling fund that equalizes the State funding received by the Valencian Community to the average of the autonomies.

“We will not approve any new system if ours is not addressed,” he concluded, explaining that this will be one of the red lines when negotiating the next state accounts, although he admitted that contacts had not yet begun.

Regarding the question of whether Compromís will stand out in the votes in the Congress of Sumar, a parliamentary group to which they belong, Baldoví stressed that in his “agreement” with Yolanda Díaz, the “first” thing is the interest of the Valencians.

Baldoví took advantage of his appearance before the media to demand that Mazón speed up the processing of the Fair Treatment Commitments Act, which requires the start of negotiations on the new regional financing system. and that if it is not approved within six months, a population-based model will automatically come into effect.

The proposal also provides for the creation of a leveling fund, which experts estimate at 1,782 million euros, to compensate for underfinancing and the cancellation of historical debt, something with which the leader of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijoowas not favorable.




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