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the difference between brown and white eggs

The eggs They are one of the most consumed foods in the world.brown and white, there is an important difference between them. There is no refrigerator, no house where there are no eggs, almost no house lacks this basic element that can be transformed in a thousand different ways. It can end up showing us a very different image from the initial one, of a good cake, a crepe or some scrambled eggs or a real carbonara sauce. The egg is an ally of any dinner or meal, by itself, like a fried egg with bread, it is already incredible.

We could hardly live or get a significant amount of protein without eggs. Even though vegan options are gaining ground, eggs are and will be one of the last things to give up. A potato omelette was a quick dinner for millions of people back when there were no processed foods. With the egg you can cook incredible recipes in the blink of an eye. Opening with them a debate on the color of these foods that we must first know. Brown or white, it can end up being what makes a significant difference in all respects.

No protein or calories

There are many types of eggs. In fact, we will surely have tried several during our life. Among the best, those of childhood, depending on the region, the legendary duck eggs. They are incomparable and it will surely take time for us to see them more and more, but the tortillas do not taste the same with them.

It is an explosion of flavors, almost comparable to the quail we have become accustomed to recently. Smaller, ideal for starters or skewers, they are a good base for cold cuts or simply to get rid of the thorn in the foot when you want to discover a way to put into practice certain elements that go together.

That moment will have arrived when you will have to start preparing yourself to rediscover the essence of these almost magical eggs. An excellent source of protein with more or less calories, although this element does not depend on the color, but on the variety we use.

Experts have given us some data that we may not have known about the color of those eggs that we probably have in the refrigerator. White or brown, there is a reason for these tones that we see.

The difference between brown and white eggs is as follows

The blog Cobardes y gallinas gives us the definitive answer on the difference between white and brown eggs, according to these experts: “Although it may be striking that they are eggs of such different colors, the pigmentation has nothing to do with the result of the yolk. and the clear. So, to determine which eggs are the best, white or brown, we will have to look at other elements. White and brown eggs have the same quality and it is also recommended to include them in a regular consumption and diet. What influences is the diet that the hen has received, as the Institute of Egg Studies reminds us. In fact, even the color of the yolk is different due to the greater or lesser presence of certain nutrients compared to others, but this has nothing to do with the color of the shell. Yes, the breed of the laying hen also has a direct relationship with the color, but this should not be an obstacle to deciding which eggs are the best, white or brown. Ultimately, the coloring of the shell depends on the pigments and their proportion: protoporphyrin, biliverdin and zinc chelate biliverdin.

Surprisingly, we Spaniards consume an average of 168 white or brown eggs, the color of which is indifferent from year to year. We know how to appreciate that special flavor of a food that can arrive on the plate in several different ways that we must know first-hand.

Now you will know, as these experts say, that: “The discovery of white or brown shelled eggs depends on the genetics or breed of the laying hen and not so much on the nature of the laying hen. nutritional characteristics of the food. You may be wondering why brown eggs are more expensive than white ones. The explanation is very simple: hens that lay brown eggs are bigger, so they eat more; “Well, food is more expensive and this is reflected primarily on the consumer.”

Therefore, you can enjoy this luxurious delicacy at a low cost, with good local bread and our most authentic olive oil, a simple egg becomes the ideal quick dinner. That creamy yolk that blends with the bread as if it were just one and that white with a slight greenish color coming from the olive oil, are an option that can be afforded from time to time.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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