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HomeLatest NewsFeijóo announces European tour to consolidate common plan against illegal immigration

Feijóo announces European tour to consolidate common plan against illegal immigration

He was happy and optimistic Alberto Nuñez Feijoo following the meetings held this morning in Athens with the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitrotakis and the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Nikos Panayotópulos. “We are allies from a political point of view and we defend common interests that unite the Greek and Spanish nation,” Feijóo said at the press conference held at the Ministry of Migration and Asylum.

The President of the Popular Party He did not want to miss the opportunity to congratulate Mitsotakis’ executive for the “excellent work” of recent years in terms of migration and economic policy, also stressing that Greece has gone from being the “black sheep of the European Union” to a nation that has managed, with its reformist program, to straighten out the economy and reduce its public debt, by lowering taxes, while developing an ambitious social agenda, particularly in the area of ​​housing and family support. “A model of stability is a model of growth and ambition (…). “Stability is what we lack in our country,” he stressed.

Athens was the first stop on a european tour in which the popular leader intends to find allies to address the three challenges facing the European Union: the geostrategic, the socio-economic and the migratory. “We want a European alliance against irregular immigration and this is a matter of State, but also European. Hence the importance of collaboration between Spain and Greece, so that the borders are safe, because the Greek and Spanish borders, and not only the Greek and Spanish borders, are European borders.

Regarding the migration crisis, Feijóo stressed that Greece has a “fair, austere and humanitarian” migration policy because it has been working on this issue for years and “knows what it wants”, compared to the Spanish policy, which is “non-existent (…). The government is not in a position to propose a joint action protocol. Unable to negotiate with the autonomous communities and the only thing he is trying to do is spread the problem throughout the territory of our country.

Politicians from both countries are in favour of involving European institutions, mobilising more European Community funds and intensifying the border surveillance with the support of Frontex, the European Asylum Agency and Interpol, increase and facilitate the returns of irregular migrants and, finally, establish collaborative links with the countries of origin and fiercely combat the mafias that engage in human trafficking.

Greek support for Venezuela

The Venezuela Question and the situation the country is experiencing after last July’s elections was another of the topics discussed during the meeting with Mitsotakis, who pledged to support the Venezuelan cause during the debate in the European Parliament next week.

“The fact that the Greek government “is in favor of democracy, freedom and the rule of law in Venezuela, which leads us to continue expressing our commitment to this brother country, to the entire Venezuelan population.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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