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HomeBreaking NewsFSB detained North Ossetia's Minister of Labor, head of region supported her

FSB detained North Ossetia’s Minister of Labor, head of region supported her

North Ossetian head Sergei Menyailo commented on the detention of Labour Minister Alina Aidarova. The Interior Ministry accused Aidarova of overstepping her authority by concluding contracts.

According to law enforcement officials, the ministry and some of its subordinate institutions entered into a number of government contracts in violation of Federal Law No. 44 “On the Contract System in the Field of Procurement of Goods, Works and Services to Meet State and Municipal Needs.”

“It is too early to speak in more detail about the details of the case; the investigation is now sorting out everything. However, I would like to stress that, of course, illegal actions must be suppressed. And if the fact of their commission is confirmed, the perpetrators will be punished. At the same time, I cannot but say that Alina Kazbekovna Aidarova is one of those leaders who lives by work. She is an efficient and extremely caring person. I am sure that everything will become clearer.” – said the head of North Ossetia.

Earlier today, on September 13, it was reported that law enforcement officers carried out operational activities at the ministry. Later it became known that FSB officers had detained the minister.

FSB agents also detained the ministry’s director of contracts. According to preliminary information, the claims arose from possible fraud with funds intended for children’s recreation.

Aidarova has served as Minister of Labor of North Ossetia since 2021.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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