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HomeLatest NewsMocejón child's alleged murderer appears in court for psychological evaluation

Mocejón child’s alleged murderer appears in court for psychological evaluation

The alleged perpetrator of the crime of Mateo, the 11-year-old boy stabbed to death in Mocejón (Toledo) on Sunday, August 18, appeared before the courts of Toledo this Thursday. A psychological evaluation was carried out by the forensic experts who will prepare the imputability report of this 20-year-old. They are the same doctors who were in charge of the autopsy of the little boy, who received twelve fatal stab wounds, and the two who also examined Juan, with the help of a psychologist, after his arrest.

Detained in the psychiatric module of the Segovia prison since August 26, after spending four days in Ocaña I, the prisoner arrived yesterday at the Toledo court around ten in the morning. As happens in these expert reports, A personal assessment was made from his childhood to the events, including his family, school and professional relationships..

Mental disorders were also discussed: their onset, follow-up, admissions and treatments. An investigation was conducted to find out if there could have been a substance use disorder before the events and they were asked what happened before and after Mateo’s fatal attack. It was also tried to find out if Juan, with his violent episodes in the educational centers he went through, knew how to distinguish good from evil. A boy with a “moderate mental retardation” congenital, but that no medication had been prescribed for him on the day in question.

However, forensic experts will prepare a psychological evaluation report, as they will assess mental alterations or substance use, to finally determine accountabilityIt is not known when this report will be written, although the sources consulted estimate at least a month, “being optimistic” in this dramatic case, which some professionals in the sector present as another disastrous example of ‘mental illness mismanagement’.

The head of the Toledo Court of Instruction number 3, which is handling the case, stated in the prison order that Juan has been diagnosed with mental disabilityin particular congenital “moderate mental retardation” and “autistic developmental disorder”. This is why she testified before him on August 22 with the help of a professional (facilitator) so that “he could understand and make himself understood”.

However, Judge Javier Garcia Lopez ruled that “There is no unequivocal data on non-imputability,” So it was not possible to declare the full defense that day. According to him, there was enough evidence to “believe that Juan was responsible” for the murder. And he maintained that there was a “pre-conceived minimal plan” for his part, kill Mateo with twelve stab wounds.

In this prison order, as published by ABC, Javier García also stressed that There is no “report that proves” that the facts “were committed due to a decompensation of the mental handicap which justified his urgent hospitalisation”. “On the contrary; examined by the forensic doctors, no reason was found, from a strictly medical point of view, which would determine his urgent and immediate psychiatric hospitalisation”, he added.

By going to prison, according to the judge, the aim was to “prevent him from reoffending.” “The mechanics of the facts show, in themselves, a great danger that the person under investigation could commit new criminal acts,” reads his resolution.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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