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288 agents and 6 detainees

More than 280 agents of the National Police participated since early this Friday morning in a macro-operation in the neighborhood of the narco apartments of Cullera Street and Cuart de Poblet Street in Madrid, in the neighborhood of Luceroin which at least six arrests have already been made and various quantities of narcotics seized. In addition, the Madrid Municipal Police and the Drug Addiction Treatment Center (CAD) of the Latina neighborhood are collaborating in what is now considered the most important heroin sales point in the capital.

Thus, from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. this Friday, dozens of motorized agents, on foot, on horseback and with dogs from the police units of the Canine Guides, Cavalry, UIP and UPR, Scientific Police and Narcotics Group with the aim of putting an end to this controversial drug hotspot, controlled by the Jiménez gypsy clan, concentrated between numbers 14 and 16 of this street in the Madrid neighborhood of Latina.

Questioned this morning in the Assembly of Madrid, where he listened in person to the debate on the state of the region, the government delegate in Madrid, Francisco Martin, He said that this macro-raid is “very important” in terms of drug trafficking and that it had been prepared for months, but that it was carried out this morning thanks to a court decision and that the proceedings were declared secret. “This is a very important operation that, as the file is completed, and as soon as the judicial authority allows us, we will proceed to inform you of the result,” said the delegate.

288 National Police officers are currently participating in the operation in Madrid, but also in other neighborhoods and even in a municipality in the province of Toledo, specifically in a chalet in the Calypo Fado urbanization in the town of Casarrubios del Monte. For her part, also questioned on the matter, the deputy mayor and delegate councilor for security and emergencies of the capital, Inma Sanz, stressed that “it is very important to act in the area” and said that the City Council “is doing everything in its power.” we can.” regarding the installation of cameras “in the area and they hope that at the beginning of 2024 they will begin to install them. “We have shortened all the deadlines as much as possible,” he stressed.

Problems in the neighborhood

This Monday, a 55-year-old drug addict died this morning of heart failure at the doors of one of these drug floors. Several units of the National Police went to the scene, because there was a great deal of excitement in the area. The relatives of the deceased, of gypsy origin, and the residents of the area of Broken beakmoved to the scene and blamed drug dealers in the area for the death. “One of us for one of yours,” they shouted, vowing revenge and promising to “burn the building down.”

Neighborhood residents have been complaining for some time about the drug apartment situation and what it means for the Lucero neighborhood. Lucero Neighborhood Association addressed the three administrations to demand a 24-hour police presence in the area, the recovery of these squatted apartments on Cullera Street, which first belonged to IVIMA and then sold to individuals. Neighbors reported an increase in drug storage and trafficking in the apartments located at several doors on Cullera Street and in the surrounding area, as well as constant intimidation of neighbors and physical deterioration of doors, elevators and stairs.

Four years ago, the same area was the target of another massive police raid against drug traffickers. On that occasion, 10 drug outlets were dismantled and around thirty individuals were arrested. Now, the residents of the neighborhood do not want the problem to recur over the months.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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