Wednesday, September 25, 2024 - 6:03 pm
HomeTop StoriesThe Public Prosecutor's Office informs the Government of the Canary Islands that...

The Public Prosecutor’s Office informs the Government of the Canary Islands that it will report them for the crime of abandonment if it decides to stop accepting migrant minors

The Government of the Canary Islands and the Popular Party (PP) signed an agreement on Tuesday on the migration emergencywhich involves the twelve communities and the two autonomous cities governed by the popular. An agreement that has given rise to a new protocol by Fernando Clavijo, president of the Canary Islands, which allows to “check” if the reception establishments have enough places and increases the bureaucracy in the reception of unaccompanied foreign children.

A protocol that extends the procedures before being able to welcome migrants arriving in the Canary Islands and which has provoked the reaction of the Superior Prosecutor’s Office of the Canary Islands, warning the government of the Canary Islands that He will report them for the crime of abandonment if they decide to stop welcoming migrants.

The Supreme Prosecutor of the Canary Islands, María Farnés Martínez Frigola, issued a decree in which he gives instructions to the prosecutors of the archipelago regarding the territorial protocol for the reception of unaccompanied foreign migrant minors in the autonomous community, published this Thursday, and informs that it will investigate the Canary Islands Executive for a possible crime of abandonment if it does not welcome children and young people who arrive by boat to the islands.

In the decree, the prosecutor specifies that prosecutors in the juvenile section or in the human trafficking and immigration section of the provincial prosecutors’ offices of the Canary Islands receive a communication from any member of the State security force or body informing them of the refusal of the General Directorate of Child and Adolescent Protection to accept an unaccompanied foreign minor in a protection center in the Canary Islands, after having been duly examined, must send a letter to said General Directorate and request it to take the necessary measures to the minor is received “immediately” in the indicated protection center.

At the same time, the prosecutor’s office indicates in a statement, the duty prosecutor will give the appropriate instructions to the police that sent him the communication so that they provide said minor with the protection measures he needs (food, accommodation, etc.) until he is collected by the general management or the center where he should be admitted is indicated or, in accordance with the published protocol, he is handed over to the Autonomous Police of the Canary Islands, in which case the time spent by said minor in these minors must be controlled by police units.

The decree published adheres to the national protocol approved in 2014 under the government of Mariano Rajoya protocol which consists of “immediately” welcoming a migrant minor without family company, duly informing the General Directorate of Child Protection.

Finally, it specifies that prosecutors in charge of human trafficking and immigration must open the corresponding pre-procedural investigation procedure in the event of the possible commission of an offence of abandonment of minors, without prejudice to any other offence that may appear during the investigation.




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